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Incorrect date and time set on devices resulting in a loss in connectivity

Last updated July 26th, 2023



  • Knox Manage (KM)
  • Android Enterprise devices


Android devices enrolled in KM that have an active internet connection regularly lose connectivity with the KM server.


This issue occurs when the system clock of the device has the wrong date and time. An incorrect date and time invalidates the certificates that secure communication between the device and the KM servers, affecting the connectivity between them.


Guide your device users to change the date and time manually to re-establish the connection between the KM agent and server.

Regular Android devices

To prevent the connection issue on the device, have the user to change the date and time:

  1. On the KM console, go to Profile.
  2. Click the profile name assigned to the devices. The Profile Details page opens.
  3. Click Modify Policy. The Set Policy page opens.
  4. Set the Android Enterprise > System > Automatic Date and Time policy to Allow.
  5. Save the profile, then, on the Profile Details page, click Apply.
  6. Instruct the user to adjust the device’s date and time to the current local time. For help with changing the date and time of the device, consult the documentation for its model.
  7. After the device user adjusts the date and time and confirms the error is resolved, undo the changes you made in steps 1–5.

Android kiosks

If the devices are configured as kiosks, add the Time Zone option in the Kiosk app settings:

  1. On the KM console, go to Kiosk.
  2. Select the kiosk and click Modify. The Modify Kiosk page opens.
  3. Expand Advanced Setting, then click Select next to Device Setting.
  4. Select Time Zone and confirm the device settings.
  5. Save the kiosk settings and update its version.
  6. On the Kiosk page, select the kiosk and click Apply.

Additional information

For steps on how to set up a profile in KM, see Create a new profile.

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