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How to set custom launcher app with navigation bar in Knox Configure

Last updated July 26th, 2023



  • Knox Configure (KC)


This knowledge base article guides you through the steps on how to set up a custom launcher in Knox Configure (KC) without Kiosk mode, which maintains the Samsung Settings app and navigation bar functionality.

If you set a custom launcher application in Kiosk mode, the Samsung Settings app and navigation bar are disabled.

How do I set a custom launcher with the navigation bar using Knox Configure?

Ensure you perform the steps below correctly, or your device may enter a boot loop.

Prerequisite: The custom launcher you select must be a launcher application. To specify an application as a launcher, include the following text in its manifest.xml file.

<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />

In KC, to set a custom launcher on your device with the Settings app and navigation bar:

  1. In your KC console, under Profiles, select the profile or create a profile.
  2. At the Select apps and widgets page select the custom launcher application.
  3. Under Applications & content > Disable the usage of other applications, enter
  4. Click Save and assign your devices to the profile.

Your device can now use a custom launcher without Kiosk mode.

How do I recover a device that is boot looping from a launcher error?

If your device is boot looping due to an error in the above steps:

  1. Follow the steps in the KC admin guide to perform a factory reset.
  2. In the KC profile, make any necessary changes to the configuration.
  3. Push your profile changes to the device.

Alternatively, you may unassign the device from KC to resolve the issue.

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