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Get a license

Last updated April 24th, 2024

You need a license to be able to assign profiles to your devices in Knox Configure.

Generate a trial license

If you’re using Knox Configure for the first time and want to try it out before purchasing a commercial license, you can create a trial license. Trial licenses are valid for three months and can support up to 30 devices.

  1. In the botton left corner of the Knox Admin Portal, click Licenses.
  2. If your enterprise doesn’t have any Knox licenses yet, click Get a license. Otherwise, click ACTIONS, then Get a license.
  3. You can generate either a Knox Configure Setup (Staggered), a Knox Configure Dynamic (Per seat), or a Knox Configure Accessory (Staggered) trial license. For details on the different types of Knox Configure licences, see License management. Select the type of license you want to generate and click GENERATE TRIAL LICENSE.
  4. Your license is now visible on the Licenses page of the Knox Admin Portal.

Enter a commercial license

If you’ve purchased a commercial license for Knox Configure from a reseller partner, you can enter it in the Knox Admin Portal to start using it with Knox Configure.

To find a reseller in your region, check out the Samsung Knox reseller directory.

  1. In the botton left corner of the Knox Admin Portal, click Licenses.
  2. If your enterprise doesn’t have any Knox licenses yet, click Enter license key. Otherwise, click ACTIONS, then Enter license key.
  3. Give your license a descriptive Name, enter the License key, and click ADD.
  4. Your license is now visible on the Licenses page of the Knox Admin Portal.

See About the Accessory license to understand how the Accessory (Staggered) license assignment works.

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