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Settings overview

Last updated December 14th, 2023

While Knox E-FOTA On-Premises has a similar feature set to its cloud counterpart, Knox E-FOTA, certain functionalities are extended to accommodate on-premises setups. These features are located in a separate menu on the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises console.

Only super admins can access the Settings menu with the on-premises features.

To navigate to the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises Settings menu:

  1. Sign in to the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises console.
  2. Click your account icon.
  3. In the menu that’s shown, click Settings.

The console view updates to show a new sidebar with the following features exclusive to super admins:

Feature Description
Workspaces Manage separate consoles within one Knox E-FOTA On-Premises instance.
Users View and edit user roles and information.
License Upload licenses and view their information.
Versions Upload and view firmware versions.
Agent Manage Knox E-FOTA On-Premises agent app versions.

To return to the main console view, click the Knox E-FOTA logo in the top-left corner of the console.

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