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Manage campaigns

Last updated December 14th, 2023

The campaigns in Knox E-FOTA On-Premises have the same functionality as the campaigns in Knox E-FOTA.

To view your campaigns:

  1. Sign in to the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises console. Ensure you’re in the correct workspace by verifying the workspace name in the upper-right corner of the console.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Campaigns.

A list of campaigns is displayed with their statuses, assigned devices, repeat frequency, start and end dates, and last modified date. Click a campaign name to view its details or modify it.

If there are no available campaigns, click CREATE CAMPAIGN in the upper-right corner to create one.

See Step 7 — Create and assign a campaign for detailed instructions on how to create a campaign.

Select a campaign and click the ACTIONS menu to access the following features:

Action Description
Activate Campaign Activates the campaign if it has been deactivated, and starts the firmware rollout.
Deactivate Campaign Deactivates the campaign if it’s currently active, and stops the firmware rollout.
Modify Campaign Allows you to change the configured campaign policies, including the target firmware and campaign period.
Delete Campaign Deletes the selected campaign.

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