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Knox E-FOTA On-Premises

Last updated July 19th, 2024

Knox E-FOTA On-Premises allows IT administrators to manage device firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) updates on their organization's network environment. With on-premises features that extend beyond its cloud counterpart, Knox E-FOTA On-Premises is a great FOTA management option for organizations that prioritize security and flexibility in their operations.

Three Samsung devices with screens showing firmware update progress.


This document is intended for IT admins. Learn how to set up the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises web portal, manage firmware versions, and enroll devices.

Try the solution

This tutorial walks you through how to install the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises agent app, add a license, and add and enroll your devices.

About Knox E-FOTA On-Premises

This admin guide only discusses features unique to Knox E-FOTA On-Premises. For more information on general Knox E-FOTA features, see the Knox E-FOTA admin guide.

Key features

  • Multi-tenant support — If your organization has multiple business units, IT admins can work within their respective workspaces to avoid unwanted interactions between units.
  • Firmware testing — Use the Knox E-FOTA On-Premises console to track firmware versions, mark them as tested, or block them from being installed on devices.
  • Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable — Use Knox E-FOTA On-Premises on a portable device such as a laptop and bring it to your business sites. With this feature, you don’t have to manage individual Knox E-FOTA On-Premises servers at each site.

Key benefits

Like Knox E-FOTA, Knox E-FOTA On-Premises provides these key benefits:

  • Schedule updates — Prevent business interruptions by configuring OS updates to install outside of business hours.
  • Selectively update OS versions — Choose a specific OS version to roll out to your devices to avoid potential interference with business app functions.
  • Force update target devices — Ensure devices are always up-to-date with the latest security updates, regardless of user input.
  • No user interactions — Update device software without requiring user action, streamlining the device management process.

How it works

Knox E-FOTA On-Premises is comprised of three parts:

  1. The web portal
  2. The client app
  3. The organization’s network infrastructure

These three components interface to perform FOTA management in a containerized environment, isolated from the cloud. IT admins can sign in to the web portal to enroll devices, create campaigns, update policies, and schedule firmware downloads — all from the safety of an organization’s in-house infrastructure.

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