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How to allow access to Wi-Fi/WLAN in ProKiosk mode with the Knox SDK


Knox SDK


If you want to restrict your devices to a single application, you must disable the status bar and Settings app to prevent users from leaving the application. These users may need to connect to a Wi-Fi or WLAN network manually, which requires access to Settings.

This article provides sample code to mask the Settings app so that users can only access the Wi-Fi/WLAN module.

How do I allow users access to Wi-Fi / WLAN in ProKiosk mode using the Knox SDK?

In your UEM solution, set ProKiosk mode as shown:

pkm.setProKioskState(true, "12345");
pkm.setSettingsEnabledItems(true, CustomDeviceManager.PRO_KIOSK_SETTINGS_WIFI)
pkm.setHomeActivity( "");

Then, access the Wi-Fi/WLAN module using the code below:

Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS);

Additional information

You may also want to disable the “Search bar” and “Samsung account” features in ProKiosk mode. To do so:

appPolicy.setApplicationComponentState( new ComponentName("", ""), false);
appPolicy.setApplicationComponentState( new ComponentName("", ""), false);
appPolicy.setApplicationComponentState( new ComponentName("", ""), false);

In your Settings app, if the Contact us item is present under Connect > WLAN, you can also disable it with the code snippet below:

appPolicy.setApplicationComponentState( new ComponentName("", ""), false);
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