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Device not restricting content transfer with Smart Switch


  • Knox SDK
  • Samsung Smart Switch


When the AllowUsbHostStorage, setUsbMediaPlayerAvailability, and setUsbDebuggingEnabled API methods are set to false to disable USB port usage, device users can still use the USB port to transfer content with Smart Switch.

Smart Switch file transfer protocol

Smart Switch uses the Android Open Accessory Protocol to support transferring content, while the package restricts the Media Transfer Protocol to prevent the USB port from transferring content. The Android Open Accessory Protocol functions independently of the Media Transfer Protocol, and can transfer content even if there are restrictions on the latter.


If you want to programmatically prevent users from using Smart Switch, you can use the addPackagesToPreventStartBlackList API method to prevent the Smart Switch package ( from starting on the device.

Additional information

Samsung Knox SDK API reference

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