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Device management

Last updated July 26th, 2023


Use the Knox Guard Devices page to check the device status and manage devices. Individual devices display as a link that can be selected when needed to review specific devices in greater detail.

Based on device compliance status and payment history, the ACTIONS drop-down menu can be invoked to accept or reject devices, start and stop overdue payment notifications, send device payment reminders, lock and unlock devices and complete subscription payments.

To review the status of Knox Guard managed devices:

  1. Select Devices from the left-hand navigation menu. Devices can be also located using a device’s IMEI or approval ID within the Search function located on the top, left-hand side, of the screen. The approval ID search string can include these special characters (@, :, $, /, *, %, ^, &, \ (, ), +, ?, {}, [],).

    Knox portal Devices window

    A maximum of eight columns can be displayed within the Devices screen. Select columns by invoking the drop-down menu from the ellipsis (…) on the far right of the screen.

    Customize table selection window

    An App version display item is also available to devices with apps registered (uploaded) from the KG console. App version can be selected when App Installation is available for the listed tenant. However, the App version parameter is gated behind a feature flag and is only enabled by request. Please contact your Knox Guard administrator if wanting to enable the App version parameter

    There is also a Last seen option that displays when a listed device was last detected by the Knox Guard server. However, the Last seen parameter is gated behind a feature flag and is only enabled by request. Please contact your Knox Guard administrator if wanting to enable the Last seen parameter.

    The Relock timestamp column can be selected only if the Knox Guard account is a PAYG type.

  2. The Device ID column lists device IDs used as device identifiers within the Knox Guard console.

    Device ID dropdown options

    • Refer to the MODEL column to review the list of models populating the Knox Guard console. Optionally use the column’s filter function to refine which device models display.
    • Refer to the STATUS column to assess whether each listed device is Activating, Active, Completing, Locked, Locking, Complete, Pending, Rejected, has a Reminder On, Resetting…, Starting reminder, Stopping reminder, Unlocking or Exchanging.

    To review a device’s Knox Guard status flow once added to the console, go to: Knox Guard status flow.

    If the Device status reflects Locked or Unlocking, a PIN button appears to right of the status as an indicator that a PIN must be input on the user’s device to stop reminders or unlock the device. For Reminder ON and Stopping Reminder, the PIN button does not appear.

    • Refer to the APPROVAL ID column to review the ID assigned when the device was approved for Knox Guard management.

    • Refer to LAST SEEN column to display when a device was last detected by the Knox Guard server.

    • The SERVICE ENDS column lists the date when the listed device is no longer supported by Knox Guard under the terms of its license.

    • Refer to the CARRIER column to review and filter or search for various device carriers supporting each listed device.

    • Refer to UPLOADED column to check the upload status of the device.

    • Refer to ACCEPTED column to check if the device has been accepted.

    • Refer to ACTIVATED column to check if the device has been activated.

    • Refer to the APP VERSION column to check apps installed with Knox Guard.

    • Refer to the ANDROID VERSION column to assess whether each listed device is using a current or legacy version of Android.

    • Refer to the AGENT VERSION column to assess the current agent version of the device.

    • Refer to the MODIFIED column to assess when the status of each listed device IMEI/SN was refreshed.

    • Refer to the RELOCK TIMESTAMP column to assess the time before the lock message appears for a device.

Device details

Each device’s IMEI/SN appears as a link that can be selected to display the device information in greater detail: Status/Last seen, SUMMARY, RESELLER, LICENSE, POLICIES, NOTES.

You can query and retrieve the secondary IMEI (IMEI2) of dual-SIM devices on search and device pages. Furthermore, you can export IMEI2s in device data saved to CSV files, such as in reports. Access to this feature is currently limited to devices uploaded using the Knox Deployment Program and the Knox Guard upload feature, and not through the Knox Deployment App.

Device details window

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