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Upload devices

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Upload device

To upload a device to Knox Guard:

  1. Navigate to the Devices page

  2. Select Actions > Manage device > Upload device(s).

  3. Select the UPLOAD button to add the selected device.

Upload devices in bulk

A standardized template is available to bulk delete devices using their IMEIs. The maximum number of devices that can be bulk uploaded is 10,000.

To bulk upload devices:

  1. Select BULK ACTIONS.

  2. Select the Download CSV template link from the top portion of the screen.

    For more information on how to create a properly formatted CSV file for bulk device acceptance, select Instructions for all bulk actions from the bottom left-hand side of the Bulk actions screen.

  3. Select the UPLOAD DEVICES portion of the Bulk actions screen and add the CSV file on the Upload devices screen.

  4. Select the CONFIRM button to confirm the uploads of the device IDs within the uploaded CSV file.

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