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Knox and Android Work Profiles

As a superset of Android Enterprise (AE), Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE) enhances device security by providing a large number of important additional security features, as described in the KPE White Paper. At the same time, KPE still supports all use cases and deployment modes of Android Enterprise. With Knox 3.0, we begain to harmonize Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE) with Android Enterprise (AE). This was to simplify the deployment of enterprise solutions across all Android devices.

One key change is the use of Android work profiles instead of Knox containers to isolate confidential apps and data. Now that Knox 3.4 has deprecated Knox containers, the new use model is to create an Android work profile, then apply Knox APIs to the work profile. This sample app shows how to create an Android work profile, then apply a Knox API to enable and disable the device camera.

Knox work profile

Creating work profile


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This sample uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the “gradlew build” command or use “Import Project” in Android Studio.


To use the Knox SDK, you need to get its license key, then provide it through your app as follows:

  • If you do not yet have a license, go to License Keys for the Knox SDK. For details about the different license types, see Knox licences.

To see these linked web pages, you need to log into a Knox Partner Program account that has a developer role. If you have not yet registered as a developer, go to Knox Partner Program Enrollment.

  • In the app source code, edit the file
  • Search for the string variable LICENSE_KEY and assign it your license key value.
  • Compile the source code, deploy the APK package to a device, and install the package.

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