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Knox Guard 1.2 release notes

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Knox Guard service APIs available

Knox Guard service APIs can now be generated on behalf of a requesting company’s system. A developer generates an API key from Knox Guard Console and embeds the key in calls to the API. Data from the API is secured by whitelisting a specified IP address. If the API’s active key is lost or compromised, a new key can be regenerated and the old key deleted. Knox Guard APIs support device uploads, device acceptance, subscription payment overdue messaging and blink reminders, device lock/unlock, and licensing.

To use the API, a dedicated account requires creation by the Samsung Knox Guard team on behalf of the integrating customer. For more information, contact your Samsung Knox Guard representative.

Auto-refresh enhancements

To date, the data displayed within the console was not refreshing in real-time and consistently amongst all screens as data was updating, resulting in customer confusion as to what data is current and what requires a refresh. With this enhancement, console data is consistently auto-refreshed as data is changed or updated.

Contact resource flexibility added

With this release, a device user’s blink reminder and device lock contact resource can be provided as a phone number or E-mail address. Either a phone number or E-mail address is required, but now it is optional which subscriber contact type is used.

Completing status cancellation period added

If a device is marked as Payment Complete, its status changes to Completing… and remains this way for 2 days. The user has 2 days to cancel it while in the Completing… state, which reverts the device back to an Active state. If no action is taken after 2 days, the status changes to Payment complete and the Knox Guard application is uninstalled permanently. The device however is not automatically deleted from the server, and must be removed manually.

Device deletion improved

A Knox Guard admin can delete a device from the Knox Guard console when the device is in a payment complete or rejected state. When a device is deleted from Knox Guard, the device is removed from the server and the Knox Guard client is uninstalled. When deleted, all of the device’s information and history are removed.

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