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Knox Asset Intelligence 22.03 release notes

Last updated July 26th, 2023

This important Knox Asset Intelligence release introduces several new features and improvements, including device groups, app usage enhancements, and further integration with the Knox Admin Portal.

You must update your Knox Asset Intelligence agent to the latest version for some of the following features and updates to apply.

Device grouping feature

For organizations managing a large number of devices across several locations, Knox Asset Intelligence now offers a device grouping feature, which helps you focus on devices assigned to a particular location.

The Devices menu also includes a new GROUPS tab, where you can view and manage your device groups. Admins can be assigned to certain groups, who can then receive email alerts for those groups.

Currently, there are two ways to group devices:

  • Using existing group IDs from an EMM
  • Uploading a CSV file that contains device IDs and device group names

On the dashboard, you can search for a device group to filter data by that group. Both EMM groups and groups uploaded through a CSV file are supported.

See Manage devices for more information about device groups.

Managed app lists

Knox Asset Intelligence 22.03 adds an option for you to create managed app lists to filter which apps you want to see insights from, allowing you to focus on business apps and hide unwanted insights from others.

Once you apply a managed app list, the APP USAGE, APP NO RESPONSE, FORCE CLOSE, and ABNORMAL EVENTS dashboard modules can be filtered to only show data from apps in the list. You can do so by selecting Managed in the Apps dropdown. If needed, you can also switch between filters to see insights from unmanaged apps.

See Managed apps to learn more.

Improvements to app usage insights

Previously, the app usage chart showed the average running time of apps on devices, causing apps with low installation rates but unexpectedly high usage to be overrepresented and appear on top. Exporting app-specific usage data also generated a CSV file that only contained data about the average run time and battery usage.

The app usage chart now shows total app run time across the devices. This change allows for a more representative view of which apps are frequently used.

The CSV export process is also updated to match the new data points. Depending on the export method, the table data contains more granular insights, such as specific app usage info for a device or the battery percentage consumed daily by each impacted device. You can export the data through the ACTIONS menu, or by hovering over a device group and clicking the download link in the app usage chart.

Learn more about the app usage changes at Application usage.

Issue report dashboard settings

Starting with this release, Knox Asset Intelligence can send an email alert once a certain percentage of devices report app or Wi-Fi-related events. You can customize the minimum size of the device group and the thresholds at which alerts are triggered.

For example, say you manage a group of 100 devices. The yellow alert threshold for abnormal app events could be set to 15% and the red alert threshold set to 25%. You would then receive an email alert when 16 devices report an abnormal app event, and another when 26 devices report an event.

You can also manage your report preferences through the new Reporting menu in Manage services & preferences on the Knox Admin Portal, including recipients in the mailing list. From the menu, you can choose whether to receive reports for app-related issues, Wi-Fi-related issues, or both.

Updates to device enrollment flow

For company-owned devices with a work profile, Android 12 introduced new policies that require the device users to manually grant location permissions.

To encourage smooth device onboarding, the Knox Asset Intelligence enrollment flow is updated in this release. Call permissions and location permissions are no longer required to complete enrollment, and location permissions can be optionally granted afterwards.

After a company-owned device is enrolled with a work profile, the device user is now prompted to grant location permissions through the notification bar on the device. Tapping the notification prompts them to choose whether to allow or deny the location permission. If the device user declines, Wi-Fi and location data can’t be collected on the device.

On the updated Devices page, you can filter by devices that were not granted location permissions and remotely send the user a notification to grant the device location permissions.

See Enroll devices for the full workflow.

Device status improvements

Previously, active devices counted toward the total enrolled device count. However, when a device became inactive, it was removed from the Enrolled count and added to Inactive instead.

Now, the device status logic is improved to include a new Active status. The number of enrolled devices is the sum of both inactive and active devices.

The device statuses are now as follows:

  • Enrolled — All devices enrolled in Knox Asset Intelligence that have consumed a license seat.
  • Active — Devices actively communicating with the server.
  • Inactive — Devices which are enrolled, but haven’t communicated with the Knox server for 7 consecutive days.

In the device status block on your dashboard, click the Enrolled tile to move to a list of active and inactive devices.

Improvements to enrollment failure reasons

Previously, upon enrollment failure devices were categorized as Not enrolled without a descriptive cause for the failure.

Now, Knox Asset Intelligence delivers an error reason and applies a Failed to enroll status. To view the reason, click View device log in the device details panel. This new error message is intended to assist you when troubleshooting enrollment failures.

Consolidated device info view

Along with all other Knox cloud services, Knox Asset Intelligence now supports a unified device view in the Knox Admin Portal.

If a device is enrolled in multiple Knox cloud services, enter its IMEI/MEID in the top search bar to view info about it across all the services it’s enrolled in.

You can also access this device view from the Devices page. To do so, click on a device. Then, in the device details panel, click View unified device info to go to the Device information page on the Knox Admin Portal.

Integrated administrators and roles menu

Previously, you could only manage Knox Asset Intelligence admins and roles from the service’s console.

While the current admin menu on the Knox Asset Intelligence console remains the same, the 22.03 release introduces a new Administrators & Roles page in the left navigation bar. This page allows super admins to view, invite, and manage secondary admins for all Knox cloud services that your organization uses, including Knox Asset Intelligence.

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