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Mobile network usage

Last updated April 3rd, 2024

How it works

To help you monitor and measure how device users are using mobile data, Knox Asset Intelligence collects data about mobile data usage by network generations and carrier. Use information about which network generations your devices are using and for how long to identify potential cost-cutting strategies. For example, device users might primarily be using 4G networks, meaning a 5G data plan could be unnecessary.

Knox Asset Intelligence collects the MCC/MNC code and matches it to a carrier name. If the MCC/MNC code doesn’t match any carriers in our system, the code may be shown directly in the console instead of the carrier name.

Dashboard tile views

For a description of the dashboard tiles, refer to Dashboard tiles explained.

Main tile view

The Mobile network usage dashboard chart displays cellular signal information arranged by carrier network, providing insight into which network generations — 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G — are used per carrier.

Mobile network usage dashboard chart

The five carriers with the longest cumulative connection durations are shown, along with the percentage of total carrier usage time associated with each network generation. The information also includes the type of cellular network, the connection duration for each network generation, and the cellular usage by carrier.

Expanded view

Mobile network usage expanded view

The Mobile network usage expanded view page features a chart that lists the top 5 mobile carriers with the highest network usage (in GB) over the selected reporting period. Click any carrier name in the legend to show or hide the data on the chart.

In the CARRIER LIST table below, you’ll see usage data for every carrier that your devices connected to during the selected reporting period. For each carrier, you can view how many devices connected, view the total usage (in GB), and view the total connection time (in hours) for that carrier (with connection time data broken down by network generation (5G, 4G, and so on).

If you have devices that haven’t reported any SIM information, you’ll see those devices and their usage data under a carrier called N/A.

Click the button next to each column header (except CARRIER) to sort the data by ascending or descending order. To view the offline in a CSV file, click DOWNLOAD AS CSV.

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