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Low battery events

Last updated December 6th, 2023

This insight lets you see how many devices in your fleet have excessive low battery event counts.

A low battery event occurs when your device battery levels drop below the allowable threshold set in Dashboard settings.

Main tile view

low battery events tile

In the main tile view, you’ll see how many devices in your fleet had an average of one, two, or more than two low battery events over the selected reporting period. At the bottom of the chart, you’ll see the total number of devices with an average of two or more low battery events over that reporting period.

Expanded view

In the insight’s expanded view, you’ll see all of your impacted devices and the total low battery event count in the top ribbon. Use the search and filter buttons to view the low battery level data for a specific device.

low battery events expanded

In the insight’s chart, you’ll see the total number of devices that had low battery events each day over the selected reporting period.

In the insight’s table, you’ll get details about each device that reported a low battery event, including its associated device group, device model, total event count, and average screen time. To download a CSV file for further analysis, select one or more devices and click DOWNLOAD AS CSV.

To help troubleshoot low battery level events further, you can also request a device debug log by selecting one or more devices then clicking REQUEST DEBUG LOG.

Click any device in the DEVICE ID column to view more details in an expanded panel. To learn more about expanded device details, see Manage devices

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