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Manage licenses

Last updated July 9th, 2024

Knox Asset Intelligence supports several license types, both trial and commercial. If you’re testing the service out, you can generate a trial Knox Suite license that supports up to 30 devices for three months. When you’re ready to purchase a commercial license, you can get them from your local reseller.

In addition to the Knox Suite license, a standalone license is also available for customers who are only interested in Knox Asset Intelligence. The Knox Suite and standalone offerings are identical, with no feature or console differences between the two. If you purchase an individual Knox Asset Intelligence license, you can upgrade to a Knox Suite license at any time. Conversely, you have the option to replace a Knox Suite license with an individual license.

The process for managing licenses is the same for all Knox Suite products. All license-related actions can be taken in the Licenses page in the Knox Admin Portal. See Manage Knox licenses for more details, including steps on how to add, delete, and transfer licenses.

Remove a device from a license

If you’re no longer using a device in your fleet, you can remove it from your Knox Suite license. This frees up a license seat, letting you assign the seat to a different device in the future. To do this:

  1. Uninstall the Knox Asset Intelligence app — either directly from the device, or through your UEM.
  2. Go to the Knox Admin Portal’s Licenses page, then click the license name. The LICENSE DETAILS side panel appears.
  3. In the Activated by service field, click the occupied license seats number next to Knox Asset Intelligence.
  4. On the Devices page, select the device that you want to remove from the license, then click ACTIONS > Unenroll device(s).

Once the device is unenrolled from Knox Asset Intelligence, the license seat is freed and you can re-assign to another device. To assign a seat, simply enroll a new device into Knox Asset Intelligence.

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