View venue analytics (Labs)
Last updated July 26th, 2023
On this tab
Using information about location, frequency, date and time reported by your assets, the real-time location service now provides insight into how your assets move around your venue. With these analytics, you can determine where your workers are spending the most time and optimize business operations in those key areas.
To see the analytics, in the navigation pane, click Analytics. If you selected a default venue, you’ll see it here. Location data is represented on the console through charts and heatmaps, and you can search for a specific device in a venue to see a travel history chart for just that device.
The analytics view changes depending on whether you’re seeing data for all venues or a specific venue. At the top of the screen, under Venue, select All Venues or the name of a venue to change the view.
Analytics for all venues
When you filter analytics by all venues, the number of venues you have in each status is shown. See Venue status for a list of these statuses and what they mean. You also see all your venues plotted on a geographical map, which you can navigate with the same actions described in Use the map.
Traffic trends for the top 5 venues
This chart consolidates the traffic trends for your top 5 venues. In other words, the real-time location service takes the 5 venues that reported the highest amount of asset traffic and compares them for your reference. Hover over a point in the chart to see the name of the venue, the date, and the asset count.
In conjunction with the Traffic trends for the bottom 5 venues chart, you can use these insights to analyze your most productive and least productive venues, and identify areas of improvement for the latter.
Traffic trends for the bottom 5 venues
This chart consolidates the traffic trends for your bottom 5 venues. Similar to the previous chart, the real-time location service takes the 5 venues that reported the lowest amount of asset traffic, and compares them for your reference. Hover over a point in the chart to see the name of the venue, the date, and the asset count.
Analytics for a specific venue
Venue map
After you create your first venue, the Venue map section displays a geographical map or floor plan with the last known location of devices marked on it.
Above the map, the total number of devices and the total number of zones are shown. You can also search for a specific device by its IMEI, which shows its corresponding location on the venue map.
Asset travel history by zone
This chart is only available when you search for a device under Venue map.
To help you easily visualize how an asset is moving around the venue, a chart is shown that maps your asset’s movement between zones, including how long it stays in each zone and how many times it visits a zone during the set time period.
You can use this information to determine how you can optimize a specific worker or department’s workflow — for example, you might find that device traffic is high between zones that are further apart. To increase productivity, you could consider moving those zones, or tasks done in those zones, closer together.
If you delete a zone, historical location data collected for that zone might still be shown in this chart.
Floor traffic heatmap
For an overall view of which areas in your venue encounter the highest amount of asset traffic, you can refer to the heatmap. To see the heatmap, make sure you’ve selected a Building at the top of the screen first. You can also search for a device to see the heatmap for just that device, which displays information about where the device spends most of its time.
To the right of the heatmap, a legend specifies what the colors correspond to. Zoom in to see a detailed breakdown of the traffic, and zoom out for a more general visualization. Any zones you’ve defined for the floorplan are also marked in blue.
Venue traffic trend
The venue traffic trend helps you identify how many devices moved through your venue over the set time period. With this information, you can see potential peaks in productivity and adjust your business operations accordingly.
You can also hover over a point on the graph to see the date and number of devices in a tooltip.
Zone traffic trend
With the zone traffic trend graph, you can see a breakdown of when your devices are moving between zones. This data is especially useful in helping you identify high traffic areas in your venue and how you can streamline business operations in those areas.
You can also hover over a point on the graph to see the name of the zone, date, and number of devices in a tooltip.
Due to incoming changes in the 24.09 release, this document is scheduled for deprecation on September 11th, 2024.
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