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Knox Mobile Enrollment Direct 1.1 release notes

Last updated July 26th, 2023

KME Direct is the on-premise version of KME, allowing you to configure device profiles to automate the setup and configuration of target devices. This KME Direct v1.1 release is scheduled to go live on August 3, 2021 and includes the following features:

Option to select QR code type for legacy devices

IT admins can now create a configuration profile and select the QR code type to send and scan. Since there are different versions of QR code formats, and old devices cannot recognize the new version containing any-order QR codes, the admin can now manually select a current or legacy version of the code. The current version is suited when working with devices on Android S OS and newer. The new version of QR codes works for devices running Android S OS and higher. The legacy version works for devices running Android R OS. Note that you must scan the legacy codes in sequential order.

Improved QR code recognition rate

Along with the option to select a QR code type for legacy devices, the QR code recognition rate is improved for both scanning on device screens and print outs. There is a higher successful recognition rate on first scan attempt when compared to the previous release.

Support for Samsung SDS EMM (On-Prem) and other EMMs

The KME Direct V1.1 release also provides IT admins with the option to enroll devices to Samsung SDS EMM and other EMMs. The EMM vendor list now includes an option to select Samsung SDS EMM or Other. If you select the Samsung SDS EMM option, all required fields are automatically filled for ease of use. The auto-filled fields include the following values: APK URL, Admin package component name, and Admin app signature checksum. If you select Other, then the required fields are left blank and you can edit them based on information provided in the form of tooltips.

Form field and guiding text changes

The Create a New Profile screen includes changes to field labels. For example, what was previously known as the “Name” field under “Wi-Fi network information” is now renamed to “SSID Name”. This change makes it easier to understand the information needed and helps you complete a new profile quickly. Refer to Set up and configuration for IT admins and see the sections Create device configuration profiles and Create device deployment profiles for the latest field names.

Bug fixes

The KME Direct V1.1 release also includes a few bug fixes. These fixes include the following:

  • Added missing mandatory fields during initial profile creation
  • Added a missing field input checker to verify passcode rules, URI format, and the uniqueness of profile names
  • Added support for Corporate owned device with work profile (COPE) mode

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