Account | This class contains all the account information for a given email (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, IMAP, POP) account |
AccountControlInfo | This generic class contains information about specific types of accounts that are designated for removal by a particular administrator. |
ActivationInfo | This class provides information about license activations. |
ActivationInfo.State | Enum representing activation state. |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | This class provides APIs to restrict advanced features. |
ApduMessage | This class defines ApduMessage |
APMPolicy | Deprecated in API level 30 |
ApnSettings | This class contains all the information for given APN settings. |
ApnSettingsPolicy | This class provides APIs to create, update, and remove Access Point Name (APN) settings on the device. |
AppControlInfo | This is a generic class that contains information on the Application policy values for a particular administrator. |
AppIdentity | Generic class used for application package unique identity. |
AppInfo | This class is used to store general application usage information. |
AppInfoLastUsage | This class is used to store application package last usage information. |
ApplicationPolicy | This class provides APIs to control application-related functions and restrictions. |
AttestationPolicy | Deprecated in API level 33 |
AuditEvents | Provides the user with clear and legible audit records of the most diverse AuditLog events. |
AuditLog | This class provides APIs to log events to be used for forensic analysis of the device. |
AuditLogRulesInfo | This class provides the configuration object that is used by AuditLog to perform
selective data logging, via setAuditLogRules(AuditLogRulesInfo) . |
AuthConfig | This class is used to encapsulate proxy authentication information to be used while configuring a
Global Proxy or a
Wifi Profile with proxy. |
AuthenticationConfig |
in API level 33 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11. |
AuthenticationConfig.AuthenticationRequestKeys |
in API level 33 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11. |
BasePasswordPolicy | Deprecated in API level 35 |
BluetoothControlInfo | This generic class contains information about the Bluetooth policy values for a particular administrator. |
BluetoothPolicy | This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth settings. |
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothProfile | This class provides Bluetooth profiles that can be managed by administrators. |
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothUUID | This class provides Bluetooth UUIDs that an administrator can manage. |
BluetoothSecureModeConfig | This class describes each of the Bluetooth profiles which can be enabled or disabled in Bluetooth Secure Mode. |
BluetoothSecureModePolicy | This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth Secure Mode Settings. |
BluetoothSecureModeWhitelistConfig | This class defines a structure specifying the fields which are required to add a device to a whitelist in Bluetooth Secure Mode. |
BootBanner | This class provides APIs to customize banner message during device reboot. |
BrowserPolicy | This class provides APIs to control browser settings. |
CACertificateInfo | This class will be used for sending security info data across processes |
CCMProfile | Deprecated in API level 33 |
CCMProfile.AccessControlMethod | Deprecated in API level 33 |
CEPConstants | This class contains all required constant values which are used inside Certificate Enrollment service. |
CertificateControlInfo | This generic class contains information on the certificate policy values of a particular administrator. |
CertificateInfo | This class is used to send security information data across processes. |
CertificatePolicy | This class provides APIs to control certificate security. |
CertificateProfile | This class defines profile for controlling access to the certificate being installed. |
CertificateProvisioning | This class provides APIs to manage certificates and keystores. |
CertProvisioningManager | This class provides APIs related to Knox Zero Trust Cert Provisioning |
CertProvisionProfile | This class provides APIs related to Certificate provision profile |
CertProvisionProfile.Builder | Builder class to create Certificate provision profile |
CircularGeofence | This class defines a circular geofence object. |
ClientCertificateManager | Deprecated in API level 33 |
CMCProfile | Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) Profile to enroll certificate. |
CMPProfile | Certificate Management Protocol(CMP) Profile to enroll certificate. |
ConfigurationManager | This class provides APIs to control KnoxZt service. |
ConfigurationManager.KnoxZtFeature | Knox zero trust feature definition value. |
ContainerConfigurationPolicy | Deprecated in API level 36 |
ContainerModeConfigurationType |
in API level 36 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13. |
ControlInfo | This generic class contains information on the policy values of a particular administrator. |
CreationParams |
in API level 36 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13. |
CredentialStorage | This class defines Credential Storage Plugin |
CSRProfile | This class defines profile to setup Certiticate Signing Request (CSR) template. |
CSRProfile.CSRFormat | Certrificat Signing Request format |
CSRProfile.KeyAlgorithm | Key Algorith Type |
CSRProfile.ProfileType | Certificate enrollment protocol types |
CustomDeviceManager | This class provides the public interface for device customization. |
DataBuffer |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
DateTimePolicy | This class provides APIs to control the device date and time settings. |
DefaultAppConfiguration | This class contains a combination, set by an administrator in the device, of a task type and the respective activity that should handle such task by default in the system. |
DeviceAccountPolicy | This class provides APIs to control device accounts such as those supported by the native e-mail application and Google accounts. |
DeviceInventory | This class provides APIs to retrieve information on the device inventory. |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | This class provides APIs to control device security settings. |
DexManager | This class provides APIs to control the Dex mode. |
DLPManagerPolicy | Deprecated in API level 27 |
DLPPackageInfo | Deprecated in API level 27 |
DomainFilterReport | This class encapsulates a Domain Filter Report that will be manipulated by the firewall policies. |
DomainFilterRule | This class encapsulates a Domain Filter Rule that will be manipulated by the firewall policies. |
DualDARClient | This class is used by privileged application to invoke Dual DAR platform apis and receive platform callbacks. |
DualDARPolicy | This class supports MDM(EMM) to create a workspace(container) protected with Dual DAR and provides APIs to access and set Dual DAR configurations. |
DualDARPolicy.DUAL_DAR_VERSION_CODES | Enumeration of the currently known DUAL DAR version codes. |
EmailAccount | Deprecated in API level 27 |
EmailAccountPolicy | Deprecated in API level 27 |
EmailPolicy | Deprecated in API level 27 |
EnhancedAttestationPolicy | This class provides enhanced attestation functionality. |
EnhancedAttestationPolicyCallback | This class is callback class to get enhanced attestation result. |
EnhancedAttestationResult | This class provides values and methods to handle enhanced attestation result. |
EnrollmentProfile | Abstract class which defines a basic profile for certificate enrollment. |
EnterpriseApn |
in API level 33 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12. |
EnterpriseBillingPolicy |
in API level 33 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12. |
EnterpriseBillingProfile |
in API level 33 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12. |
EnterpriseCertEnrollPolicy | Deprecated in API level 30 |
EnterpriseDeviceManager | Public interface for managing policies enforced on a device. |
EnterpriseDeviceManager.KNOX_VERSION_CODES | Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. |
EnterpriseKnoxManager | Public interface for managing premium policies enforced on a device. |
EnterpriseLicenseManager | This class provides APIs to handle Enterprise license (ELM or BCK licenses) on device. |
ExchangeAccount | Deprecated in API level 27 |
ExchangeAccountPolicy | Deprecated in API level 27 |
Firewall | This class provides APIs to configure firewall rules on device, providing the ability to implement security policies. |
Firewall.AddressType | This constant should be used to indicate the address type of a rule. |
Firewall.Direction | This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to input (when device receives data from the Internet) or output (when device sends data to the Internet). |
Firewall.NetworkInterface | This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to connection through WI-FI or mobile data. |
Firewall.PortLocation | This constant should be used to indicate whether the port in the rule is related to the device port or the server port that the device is communicating. |
Firewall.Protocol | This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to TCP or UDP protocol. |
FirewallResponse | This class is an object class that will hold the information about the execution of an operation. |
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode | These constants indicate the possible error code related to an operation. |
FirewallResponse.Result | These constants indicate the possible results of an operation. |
FirewallRule | This class is used to encapsulate an IP rule that will be manipulated by the firewall. |
FirewallRule.RuleType | This constant is used to indicate the type of the rule. |
FirewallRule.Status | This constant is used to indicate the status of the rule, the status is related with the state of the rule in the iptables. |
Font | This class provides APIs to customize device font. |
GenericVpnContext | GenericVpnContext is a class for applications to create custom VPN context object
and achieve Knox VPN functionality. |
GenericVpnPolicy | The class provides APIs to configure SSL/IPSEC VPN profiles on the device. |
GenericVpnService | The class provides APIs to create and establish multiple virtual interface tunnels per user. |
GenericVpnService.Builder | Helper class to create a VPN interface. |
Geofence | Base Geofence class used by PolygonalGeofence , CircularGeofence and
LinearGeofence . |
Geofencing | This class provides APIs to create, destroy and monitor geofences. |
GlobalProxy | This class provides APIs to set and get the device global proxy. |
HostAuth | HostAuth class provides credential and server information about the associated email account. |
ICertProvisionListener | This interface provides an interface for Certificate Provision Listener |
KeyGenParameterSpec | Credential Storage provides APIs for Key and KeyPair Generation in Credential Storage. |
KeyProvisioningResultCallback |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KfaOptions |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KioskMode | This class provides APIs to enable, disable, and define device behavior for kiosk mode. |
KioskSetting | Class for predefined Kiosk settings. |
KnoxAiManager |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiManager.ErrorCodes |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.CompUnit |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.DataFormat |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.DataType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.ExecType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.Mode |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.ModelInputType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxAiSession.ModelType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
KnoxConfigurationType |
in API level 36 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13. |
KnoxContainerManager | Deprecated in API level 36 |
KnoxContract | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.Application | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.DateTime | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.Device | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.Font | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.NFC | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.Settings | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxContract.Config.Wifi |
in API level 36 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 13. |
KnoxContract.License | Deprecated in API level 37 |
KnoxEnterpriseLicenseManager | This class provides APIs to handle Knox Enterprise license (KLM license) on device. |
KnoxPushService | This class provides knox push service functionality. |
KnoxPushServiceCallback | This class is callback class to get knox push service result. |
KnoxPushServiceResult | This class provides values and methods to handle knox push service result. |
KnoxZtException | This class provides APIs related to Knox Zero Trust Exception RuntimeException is superclass of KnoxZtException |
KPCCManager | This class provides APIs to control the behavior of Knox Platform for Critical Communication (KPCC). |
LatLongPoint | The class defines a latlong point object. |
LDAPAccount | This class contains all the information for specifying Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) account settings. |
LDAPAccountPolicy | Deprecated in API level 30 |
LicenseResult | Class containing license activation/deactivation result data. |
LicenseResult.Type | These constants indicate whether the result refers to a ELM_ACTIVATION ,
LicenseResultCallback | Public interface to handle license activation/deactivation results. |
LightweightConfigurationType |
in API level 36 NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13. |
LinearGeofence | This class defines a linear geofence object. |
LocationPolicy | This class provides APIs to control the settings related to location services. |
LockscreenOverlay | This class provides APIs to customize the device lock screen. |
LockscreenOverlay.LSOEmergencyPhoneInfo | This class defines the Lock Screen Overlay Emergency Phone information and is given as an input parameter when configuring the lock screen enterprise emergency phone number. |
LockscreenOverlay.LSOImage | This class defines the Lock Screen Overlay image and is given as an input parameter when configuring Lockscreen Overlay. |
MultiUserManager | This class provides APIs for managing multiple user capability on device. |
NetworkAnalytics | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.ActivationState | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.BroadcastActions | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.DataPoints | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.ErrorValues | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.JSONConstants | Deprecated in API level 35 |
NetworkStats | This class provides information about network data usage per application UID |
NfcPolicy | This class provides APIs to Near Field Communication (NFC) Settings capability. |
NtpInfo | NTP(Network Time Protocol) info class. |
PasswordPolicy | This class provides APIs to control settings related to the device password. |
PeripheralBarcodeConstants |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Option |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Symbology |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Symbology.Type |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.BarcodeDataProcessMode |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.BatteryStatus |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.BeepSoundEffect |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.BtConstants |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.BtPeripheralListOption |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.ConnectionProfile |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.ConnectionState |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.ConnectivityType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DataClearOption |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DataResetOption |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DataSyncOption |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DataType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DeviceType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.DisplayText |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.ErrorCode |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.EventType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.FirmwareUpdateStatus |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.Internal |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.Internal.BtPairingExtraDataType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.NfcTagType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.PeripheralInfo |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.PeripheralState |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.Result |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.UHFDataType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.VendorKoamtac |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.VendorKoamtac.FirmwareType |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralConstants.VibrationEffect |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralDataListener |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralInfoListener |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralManager |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralResultListener |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PeripheralStateListener |
in API level 37 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
PermissionApplicationPrivateKey | This class contains information needed to allow an application to access private keys without prompting the user for such permission. |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | This class provides APIs to control telephony functionality settings. |
PolygonalGeofence | This class defines a polygonal geofence object. |
PowerItem | This class defines a custom items in the power dialog option. |
Profile | Deprecated in API level 35 |
ProfilePolicy | This class provides APIs to control profiles activated on device. |
ProKioskManager | This class provides APIs to control device in ProKiosk mode. |
ProxyProperties | This class is used to encapsulate a proxy information to be used in the
Global Proxy policy. |
RCPPolicy | Deprecated in API level 36 |
RemoteInjection | This class provides APIs to support remote injection of key, pointer, and trackball events into the device UI. |
RestrictionPolicy | This class provides APIs to restrict device functions. |
RestrictionPolicy.USBInterface | Enum of USB class Interface |
RoamingPolicy | This class provides APIs to control the various settings related to device roaming. |
SCEPProfile | This class provides a concrete implementation of SCEP EnrollmentProfile. |
SdpCreationParam | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpCreationParamBuilder | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpDatabase | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpDomain | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngine | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineConstants | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineConstants.Flags | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineConstants.Intent | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineConstants.State | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineConstants.Type | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpEngineInfo | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpErrno | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpException | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpFileSystem | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpStateListener | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SdpUtil | Deprecated in API level 33 |
SEAMSPolicy |
in API level 30 NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15. |
SecureChannelManager | This class provides ability to use secure channel. |
SecureLogConfig | This class defines an interface named SecureLogConfig. |
SecureLogConfig.SecureLogConfigType | Secure log configuration key definition value. |
SecureLogConstants | This class defines an interface named SecureLogConstants. |
SettingsManager | This class provides APIs to allow secure system settings to be changed. |
ShortcutItem | This class defines a custom items in the home screen shortcuts. |
SignalConfig | This class defines an interface named SignalConfig. |
SignalConfig.ConfidenceScore | Configuration value of CONFIDENCE_SCORE This can be one of STANDARD , AGGRESSIVE , MORE_AGGRESSIVE , or MOST_AGGRESSIVE . |
SignalConfig.ConfigSignalType | Configuration value of CONFIG_SIGNAL This can be PHISHING . |
SignalConfig.PhishingConfig | Configuration value of PHISHING This can be CONFIDENCE_SCORE . |
SignalName | This class defines an interface named SignalName. |
SignalName.SignalNameType | Signal name of signal. |
SignalSeverity | This class defines an interface named SignalSeverity. |
SignalSeverity.SeverityLevel | Secure log SeverityLevel definition value. |
SimChangeInfo | This class contains information on SIM card changes. |
SimInfo | This class contains information on the SIM card. |
SPDControlPolicy | Deprecated in API level 27 |
StatusbarIconItem | This class defines a custom item for status bar icons. |
StatusbarIconItem.AttributeColour | Class for attribute and corresponding color. |
SystemManager | This class provides APIs to control system behavior for systems that can normally not be accessed. |
TimaKeystore | Deprecated in API level 33 |
UcmAgentProviderImpl | This class represents a "provider" for the Java Security API, where a provider implements some or all parts of Java Security. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentCipherSpi | This class provide API's extended from CipherSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyGeneratorSpi | This class provide API's extended from KeyGeneratorSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyPairGeneratorSpi | This class provide API's extended from KeyPairGeneratorSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyStoreSpi | This class provide API's extended from KeyStoreSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentMacSpi | This class provide API's extended from MacSpi If vendor want to support Mac as JCE, plugin application should implement this Spi and add as Service Provider. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSecureRandomSpi | This class provide API's extended from SecureRandomSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSignatureSpi | This class provide API's extended from SignatureSpi. |
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSpiProperty | This interface provide API's and constants which is implemented by UCM SPI classes. |
UcmAgentService | This abstract class is for 3rd party application to implement Credential Storage Agent Service - UCM Plugin application. |
UCMPolicy | This class supports MDM(EMM) to create a workspace(container) protected with UCM DAR. |
UniversalCredentialManager | This class provides APIs for Configurator application to manage and configure Credential storages on the device. |
UniversalCredentialUtil | This class provides API's to fetch all providers, validate UCM URI and communicate with plugin/applet. |
UsbDeviceConfig | This class defines a structure specifying the fields describing a usb device. |
VpnAdminProfile |
From API level 30 on, please refer to GenericVpnPolicy
for VPN profile configuration. |
VpnErrorValues | The class provides the list of error codes which will be returned by API's in
GenericVpnPolicy . |
VpnPolicy | This class provides APIs to configure Android VPN settings, including creating, updating, and deleting VPN profiles. |
WidgetItem | This class defines a custom widget item in the home screen shortcuts. |
WifiAdminProfile | This class contains information required to set up a Wi-Fi profile on the device. |
WifiControlInfo | This generic class contains information on the Wi-Fi policy values for a particular admininstrator. |
WifiPolicy | This class provides APIs to configure Wi-Fi related settings and manage Wi-Fi profiles. |