Class Index



Account This class contains all the account information for a given email (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, IMAP, POP) account 
AccountControlInfo This generic class contains information about specific types of accounts that are designated for removal by a particular administrator. 
ActivationInfo This class provides information about license activations. 
ActivationInfo.State Enum representing activation state. 
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy This class provides APIs to restrict advanced features. 
ApduMessage This class defines ApduMessage 
APMPolicy Deprecated in API level 30  
ApnSettings This class contains all the information for given APN settings. 
ApnSettingsPolicy This class provides APIs to create, update, and remove Access Point Name (APN) settings on the device. 
AppControlInfo This is a generic class that contains information on the Application policy values for a particular administrator. 
AppIdentity Generic class used for application package unique identity. 
AppInfo This class is used to store general application usage information. 
AppInfoLastUsage This class is used to store application package last usage information. 
ApplicationPolicy This class provides APIs to control application-related functions and restrictions. 
AttestationPolicy Deprecated in API level 33  
AuditEvents Provides the user with clear and legible audit records of the most diverse AuditLog events. 
AuditLog This class provides APIs to log events to be used for forensic analysis of the device. 
AuditLogRulesInfo This class provides the configuration object that is used by AuditLog to perform selective data logging, via setAuditLogRules(AuditLogRulesInfo)
AuthConfig This class is used to encapsulate proxy authentication information to be used while configuring a Global Proxy or a Wifi Profile with proxy. 
AuthenticationConfig Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.
AuthenticationConfig.AuthenticationRequestKeys Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.


BasePasswordPolicy Deprecated in API level 35  
BluetoothControlInfo This generic class contains information about the Bluetooth policy values for a particular administrator. 
BluetoothPolicy This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth settings. 
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothProfile This class provides Bluetooth profiles that can be managed by administrators. 
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothUUID This class provides Bluetooth UUIDs that an administrator can manage. 
BluetoothSecureModeConfig This class describes each of the Bluetooth profiles which can be enabled or disabled in Bluetooth Secure Mode. 
BluetoothSecureModePolicy This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth Secure Mode Settings. 
BluetoothSecureModeWhitelistConfig This class defines a structure specifying the fields which are required to add a device to a whitelist in Bluetooth Secure Mode. 
BootBanner This class provides APIs to customize banner message during device reboot. 
BrowserPolicy This class provides APIs to control browser settings. 


CACertificateInfo This class will be used for sending security info data across processes 
CCMProfile Deprecated in API level 33 
CCMProfile.AccessControlMethod Deprecated in API level 33  
CEPConstants This class contains all required constant values which are used inside Certificate Enrollment service. 
CertificateControlInfo This generic class contains information on the certificate policy values of a particular administrator. 
CertificateInfo This class is used to send security information data across processes. 
CertificatePolicy This class provides APIs to control certificate security. 
CertificateProfile This class defines profile for controlling access to the certificate being installed. 
CertificateProvisioning This class provides APIs to manage certificates and keystores. 
CertProvisioningManager This class provides APIs related to Knox Zero Trust Cert Provisioning 
CertProvisionProfile This class provides APIs related to Certificate provision profile 
CertProvisionProfile.Builder Builder class to create Certificate provision profile  
CircularGeofence This class defines a circular geofence object. 
ClientCertificateManager Deprecated in API level 33  
CMCProfile Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) Profile to enroll certificate. 
CMPProfile Certificate Management Protocol(CMP) Profile to enroll certificate. 
ConfigurationManager This class provides APIs to control KnoxZt service. 
ConfigurationManager.KnoxZtFeature Knox zero trust feature definition value. 
ContainerConfigurationPolicy Deprecated in API level 36  
ContainerModeConfigurationType Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13.
ControlInfo This generic class contains information on the policy values of a particular administrator. 
CreationParams Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13.
CredentialStorage This class defines Credential Storage Plugin 
CSRProfile This class defines profile to setup Certiticate Signing Request (CSR) template. 
CSRProfile.CSRFormat Certrificat Signing Request format 
CSRProfile.KeyAlgorithm Key Algorith Type 
CSRProfile.ProfileType Certificate enrollment protocol types 
CustomDeviceManager This class provides the public interface for device customization. 


DataBuffer Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
DateTimePolicy This class provides APIs to control the device date and time settings. 
DefaultAppConfiguration This class contains a combination, set by an administrator in the device, of a task type and the respective activity that should handle such task by default in the system. 
DeviceAccountPolicy This class provides APIs to control device accounts such as those supported by the native e-mail application and Google accounts. 
DeviceInventory This class provides APIs to retrieve information on the device inventory. 
DeviceSecurityPolicy This class provides APIs to control device security settings. 
DexManager This class provides APIs to control the Dex mode. 
DLPManagerPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
DLPPackageInfo Deprecated in API level 27  

This class encapsulates a Domain Filter Report that will be manipulated by the firewall policies. 


This class encapsulates a Domain Filter Rule that will be manipulated by the firewall policies. 

DualDARClient This class is used by privileged application to invoke Dual DAR platform apis and receive platform callbacks. 
DualDARPolicy This class supports MDM(EMM) to create a workspace(container) protected with Dual DAR and provides APIs to access and set Dual DAR configurations. 
DualDARPolicy.DUAL_DAR_VERSION_CODES Enumeration of the currently known DUAL DAR version codes. 


EmailAccount Deprecated in API level 27  
EmailAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
EmailPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
EnhancedAttestationPolicy This class provides enhanced attestation functionality. 
EnhancedAttestationPolicyCallback This class is callback class to get enhanced attestation result. 
EnhancedAttestationResult This class provides values and methods to handle enhanced attestation result. 
EnrollmentProfile Abstract class which defines a basic profile for certificate enrollment. 
EnterpriseApn Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12.
EnterpriseBillingPolicy Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12.
EnterpriseBillingProfile Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 12.
EnterpriseCertEnrollPolicy Deprecated in API level 30  
EnterpriseDeviceManager Public interface for managing policies enforced on a device. 
EnterpriseDeviceManager.KNOX_VERSION_CODES Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. 
EnterpriseKnoxManager Public interface for managing premium policies enforced on a device. 
EnterpriseLicenseManager This class provides APIs to handle Enterprise license (ELM or BCK licenses) on device. 
ExchangeAccount Deprecated in API level 27  
ExchangeAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  


Firewall This class provides APIs to configure firewall rules on device, providing the ability to implement security policies. 
Firewall.AddressType This constant should be used to indicate the address type of a rule. 
Firewall.Direction This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to input (when device receives data from the Internet) or output (when device sends data to the Internet). 
Firewall.NetworkInterface This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to connection through WI-FI or mobile data. 
Firewall.PortLocation This constant should be used to indicate whether the port in the rule is related to the device port or the server port that the device is communicating. 
Firewall.Protocol This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to TCP or UDP protocol. 
FirewallResponse This class is an object class that will hold the information about the execution of an operation. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode These constants indicate the possible error code related to an operation. 
FirewallResponse.Result These constants indicate the possible results of an operation. 

This class is used to encapsulate an IP rule that will be manipulated by the firewall. 

FirewallRule.RuleType This constant is used to indicate the type of the rule. 
FirewallRule.Status This constant is used to indicate the status of the rule, the status is related with the state of the rule in the iptables. 
Font This class provides APIs to customize device font. 


GenericVpnContext GenericVpnContext is a class for applications to create custom VPN context object and achieve Knox VPN functionality. 
GenericVpnPolicy The class provides APIs to configure SSL/IPSEC VPN profiles on the device. 
GenericVpnService The class provides APIs to create and establish multiple virtual interface tunnels per user. 
GenericVpnService.Builder Helper class to create a VPN interface. 
Geofence Base Geofence class used by PolygonalGeofence, CircularGeofence and LinearGeofence
Geofencing This class provides APIs to create, destroy and monitor geofences. 
GlobalProxy This class provides APIs to set and get the device global proxy. 


HostAuth HostAuth class provides credential and server information about the associated email account. 


ICertProvisionListener This interface provides an interface for Certificate Provision Listener 


KeyGenParameterSpec Credential Storage provides APIs for Key and KeyPair Generation in Credential Storage. 
KeyProvisioningResultCallback Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KfaOptions Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KioskMode This class provides APIs to enable, disable, and define device behavior for kiosk mode. 
KioskSetting Class for predefined Kiosk settings. 
KnoxAiManager Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiManager.ErrorCodes Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.CompUnit Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.DataFormat Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.DataType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.ExecType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.Mode Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.ModelInputType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxAiSession.ModelType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
KnoxConfigurationType Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13.
KnoxContainerManager Deprecated in API level 36  
KnoxContract Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.Application Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.DateTime Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.Device Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.Font Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.NFC Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.Settings Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxContract.Config.Wifi Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 13.
KnoxContract.License Deprecated in API level 37  
KnoxEnterpriseLicenseManager This class provides APIs to handle Knox Enterprise license (KLM license) on device. 
KnoxPushService This class provides knox push service functionality. 
KnoxPushServiceCallback This class is callback class to get knox push service result. 
KnoxPushServiceResult This class provides values and methods to handle knox push service result. 
KnoxZtException This class provides APIs related to Knox Zero Trust Exception RuntimeException is superclass of KnoxZtException 
KPCCManager This class provides APIs to control the behavior of Knox Platform for Critical Communication (KPCC). 


LatLongPoint The class defines a latlong point object. 
LDAPAccount This class contains all the information for specifying Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) account settings. 
LDAPAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 30  
LicenseResult Class containing license activation/deactivation result data. 
LicenseResult.Type These constants indicate whether the result refers to a ELM_ACTIVATION, KLM_ACTIVATION or KLM_DEACTIVATION
LicenseResultCallback Public interface to handle license activation/deactivation results. 
LightweightConfigurationType Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13.
LinearGeofence This class defines a linear geofence object. 
LocationPolicy This class provides APIs to control the settings related to location services. 
LockscreenOverlay This class provides APIs to customize the device lock screen. 
LockscreenOverlay.LSOEmergencyPhoneInfo This class defines the Lock Screen Overlay Emergency Phone information and is given as an input parameter when configuring the lock screen enterprise emergency phone number. 
LockscreenOverlay.LSOImage This class defines the Lock Screen Overlay image and is given as an input parameter when configuring Lockscreen Overlay. 


MultiUserManager This class provides APIs for managing multiple user capability on device. 


NetworkAnalytics Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.ActivationState Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.BroadcastActions Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.DataPoints Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.ErrorValues Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkAnalyticsConstants.JSONConstants Deprecated in API level 35  
NetworkStats This class provides information about network data usage per application UID 
NfcPolicy This class provides APIs to Near Field Communication (NFC) Settings capability. 
NtpInfo NTP(Network Time Protocol) info class. 


PasswordPolicy This class provides APIs to control settings related to the device password. 
PeripheralBarcodeConstants Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Option Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Symbology Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralBarcodeConstants.Symbology.Type Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.BarcodeDataProcessMode Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.BatteryStatus Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.BeepSoundEffect Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.BtConstants Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.BtPeripheralListOption Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.ConnectionProfile Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.ConnectionState Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.ConnectivityType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DataClearOption Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DataResetOption Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DataSyncOption Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DataType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DeviceType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.DisplayText Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.ErrorCode Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.EventType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.FirmwareUpdateStatus Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.Internal Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.Internal.BtPairingExtraDataType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.NfcTagType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.PeripheralInfo Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.PeripheralState Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.Result Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.UHFDataType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.VendorKoamtac Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.VendorKoamtac.FirmwareType Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralConstants.VibrationEffect Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralDataListener Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralInfoListener Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralManager Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralResultListener Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PeripheralStateListener Deprecated in API level 37
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
PermissionApplicationPrivateKey This class contains information needed to allow an application to access private keys without prompting the user for such permission. 
PhoneRestrictionPolicy This class provides APIs to control telephony functionality settings. 
PolygonalGeofence This class defines a polygonal geofence object. 
PowerItem This class defines a custom items in the power dialog option. 
Profile Deprecated in API level 35  
ProfilePolicy This class provides APIs to control profiles activated on device. 
ProKioskManager This class provides APIs to control device in ProKiosk mode. 
ProxyProperties This class is used to encapsulate a proxy information to be used in the Global Proxy policy. 


RCPPolicy Deprecated in API level 36  
RemoteInjection This class provides APIs to support remote injection of key, pointer, and trackball events into the device UI. 
RestrictionPolicy This class provides APIs to restrict device functions. 
RestrictionPolicy.USBInterface Enum of USB class Interface 
RoamingPolicy This class provides APIs to control the various settings related to device roaming. 


SCEPProfile This class provides a concrete implementation of SCEP EnrollmentProfile. 
SdpCreationParam Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpCreationParamBuilder Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpDatabase Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpDomain Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngine Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineConstants Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineConstants.Flags Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineConstants.Intent Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineConstants.State Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineConstants.Type Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpEngineInfo Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpErrno Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpException Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpFileSystem Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpStateListener Deprecated in API level 33  
SdpUtil Deprecated in API level 33  
SEAMSPolicy Deprecated in API level 30
NOTE: This Class is not available since Android 15.
SecureChannelManager This class provides ability to use secure channel. 
SecureLogConfig This class defines an interface named SecureLogConfig. 
SecureLogConfig.SecureLogConfigType Secure log configuration key definition value. 
SecureLogConstants This class defines an interface named SecureLogConstants. 
SettingsManager This class provides APIs to allow secure system settings to be changed. 
ShortcutItem This class defines a custom items in the home screen shortcuts. 
SignalConfig This class defines an interface named SignalConfig. 
SignalConfig.ConfidenceScore Configuration value of CONFIDENCE_SCORE
SignalConfig.ConfigSignalType Configuration value of CONFIG_SIGNAL
This can be PHISHING
SignalConfig.PhishingConfig Configuration value of PHISHING
SignalName This class defines an interface named SignalName. 
SignalName.SignalNameType Signal name of signal. 
SignalSeverity This class defines an interface named SignalSeverity. 
SignalSeverity.SeverityLevel Secure log SeverityLevel definition value. 
SimChangeInfo This class contains information on SIM card changes. 
SimInfo This class contains information on the SIM card. 
SPDControlPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
StatusbarIconItem This class defines a custom item for status bar icons. 
StatusbarIconItem.AttributeColour Class for attribute and corresponding color. 
SystemManager This class provides APIs to control system behavior for systems that can normally not be accessed. 


TimaKeystore Deprecated in API level 33  


UcmAgentProviderImpl This class represents a "provider" for the Java Security API, where a provider implements some or all parts of Java Security. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentCipherSpi This class provide API's extended from CipherSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyGeneratorSpi This class provide API's extended from KeyGeneratorSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyPairGeneratorSpi This class provide API's extended from KeyPairGeneratorSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentKeyStoreSpi This class provide API's extended from KeyStoreSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentMacSpi This class provide API's extended from MacSpi If vendor want to support Mac as JCE, plugin application should implement this Spi and add as Service Provider. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSecureRandomSpi This class provide API's extended from SecureRandomSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSignatureSpi This class provide API's extended from SignatureSpi. 
UcmAgentProviderImpl.UcmAgentSpiProperty This interface provide API's and constants which is implemented by UCM SPI classes. 
UcmAgentService This abstract class is for 3rd party application to implement Credential Storage Agent Service - UCM Plugin application. 
UCMPolicy This class supports MDM(EMM) to create a workspace(container) protected with UCM DAR. 
UniversalCredentialManager This class provides APIs for Configurator application to manage and configure Credential storages on the device. 
UniversalCredentialUtil This class provides API's to fetch all providers, validate UCM URI and communicate with plugin/applet. 
UsbDeviceConfig This class defines a structure specifying the fields describing a usb device. 


VpnAdminProfile Deprecated From API level 30 on, please refer to GenericVpnPolicy for VPN profile configuration. 
VpnErrorValues The class provides the list of error codes which will be returned by API's in GenericVpnPolicy
VpnPolicy This class provides APIs to configure Android VPN settings, including creating, updating, and deleting VPN profiles. 


WidgetItem This class defines a custom widget item in the home screen shortcuts. 
WifiAdminProfile This class contains information required to set up a Wi-Fi profile on the device. 
WifiControlInfo This generic class contains information on the Wi-Fi policy values for a particular admininstrator. 
WifiPolicy This class provides APIs to configure Wi-Fi related settings and manage Wi-Fi profiles.