Since: API level 1

Provides classes to manage device, email, Exchange and LDAP accounts.


Account This class contains all the account information for a given email (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, IMAP, POP) account 
AccountControlInfo This generic class contains information about specific types of accounts that are designated for removal by a particular administrator. 
DeviceAccountPolicy This class provides APIs to control device accounts such as those supported by the native e-mail application and Google accounts. 
EmailAccount Deprecated in API level 27  
EmailAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
EmailPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
ExchangeAccount Deprecated in API level 27  
ExchangeAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 27  
HostAuth HostAuth class provides credential and server information about the associated email account. 
LDAPAccount This class contains all the information for specifying Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) account settings. 
LDAPAccountPolicy Deprecated in API level 30