Since: API level 37
public interface


Class Overview

This interface provides an interface for Certificate Provision Listener


Public Methods
abstract void onError(int errorCode, String description)
Called when the task regarding certificate provision error occurred
abstract void onStatusChange(String status, String detail)
Called when the task regarding certificate provision state changed
abstract void onSuccess(Bundle result)
Called when the task regarding certificate provision completes successfully

Public Methods

public abstract void onError (int errorCode, String description)

Since: API level 37

Called when the task regarding certificate provision error occurred

errorCode passed with zero if error occurred
description passed with description if error occurred
API level 37
KNOX 3.10

public abstract void onStatusChange (String status, String detail)

Since: API level 37

Called when the task regarding certificate provision state changed

status passed status if provision ceritifcate status changed
detail passed detail if provision ceritifcate status changed
API level 37
KNOX 3.10

public abstract void onSuccess (Bundle result)

Since: API level 37

Called when the task regarding certificate provision completes successfully

result passed with bundle if provision certificate succeed
API level 37
KNOX 3.10