Since: API level 2
public class


extends Object

Class Overview

This class provides APIs to customize device font.

API level 2
MDM 2.0


Public Methods
String getSystemActiveFont()
API to get the current font set on the device.
float getSystemActiveFontSize()
API to get the font size currently set on the device.
float[] getSystemFontSizes()
API to get the supported font sizes on the device.
String[] getSystemFonts()
API to get all available fonts on the device.
boolean setSystemActiveFont(String fontName, String apkPath)
API to set the device font.
boolean setSystemActiveFontSize(float fontSize)
API to set the device font size.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public String getSystemActiveFont ()

Since: API level 2

API to get the current font set on the device.

  • Current active font on device if successful, else null
An administrator can use this API to retrieve the currently active device font.
API level 2
MDM 2.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope

public float getSystemActiveFontSize ()

Since: API level 6

API to get the font size currently set on the device.

  • Current active font size on device if successful, else 0.0
An administrator can use this API to retrieve the size of the current active device font.
API level 6
MDM 4.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope

public float[] getSystemFontSizes ()

Since: API level 6

API to get the supported font sizes on the device.

  • Supported font sizes on device if successful, else null
An administrator can use this API to retrieve the supported font sizes from the device.

 EnterpriseDeviceManager edm = EnterpriseDeviceManager.getInstance(context);

 Font font = edm.getFont();

 // get all font sizes from device

 float[] sysFontSizes = font.getSystemFontSizes();

 for (int i = 0; i < sysFontSizes.length; i++) {

     Log.d(TAG, "Available font sizes :" + sysFontSizes[i]);



API level 6
MDM 4.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope

public String[] getSystemFonts ()

Since: API level 2

API to get all available fonts on the device.

  • All available fonts on device if successful, else null
An administrator can use this API to retrieve all available fonts from the device.

  EnterpriseDeviceManager edm = EnterpriseDeviceManager.getInstance(context);

  Font font = edm.getFont();

  //get all fonts from device

  String[] sysFonts = font.getSystemFonts();

  for(int i=0; i < sysFonts.length; i++){

      Log.d(TAG, " System available fonts :"+sysFonts[i]);



API level 2
MDM 2.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope

public boolean setSystemActiveFont (String fontName, String apkPath)

Since: API level 2

API to set the device font.

fontName Name of the file that has new font data
apkPath path of the file that has new font data. This path is needed only if the administrator want to set a font to be the active font that is not available in the device. From Android 4.2, pass "null" as custom font is not supported.
  • true if operation is successful, else false
SecurityException If caller does not have required permissions
An administrator can use this API to change device's font. This setting overrides the current font.

Note: The font set by this API gets erased after a factory reset, and the original default font becomes the currently active font.

Form Android version 4.2 onwards, this API will not support font apk installation. Administrator needs to pass "null" for apk path otherwise call will return failure. Only preloaded fonts in device can be set and administrator can use getSystemFonts() to get font name and pass that value for fontname.

  //sample code to change device font from existing list of device fonts

  EnterpriseDeviceManager edm = EnterpriseDeviceManager.getInstance(context);

  Font font = edm.getFont();

  try {

      //get Active font

      String  activeFont = font.getSystemActiveFont();

      //get all fonts from device

      String[] sysFonts = font.getSystemFonts();

      for (i=0; i < sysFonts.length; i++){

          Log.d(TAG," SystemFont: " + sysFonts[i] );

          if (!activeFont.equalsIgnoreCase(sysFonts[i])){

            Log.d(TAG," set as active font  " + sysFonts[i] );




      boolean result = font.setSystemActiveFont(sysFonts[i], null);

      if(result == true){

      Log.d(TAG, "setSystemActiveFont has succeeded!");

      }else {

          Log.d(TAG, "setSystemActiveFont has failed.");


  }catch(SecurityException e) {

      Log.w(TAG,"SecurityException: "+e);


The use of this API requires the caller to have the "" permission which has a protection level of signature.
API level 2
MDM 2.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope

public boolean setSystemActiveFontSize (float fontSize)

Since: API level 6

API to set the device font size.

fontSize Device font size to be set
  • true if operation is successful, else false
SecurityException If caller does not have required permissions

An administrator can use this API to change the device's font size. This new font size overrides the currently active font size.

Note: The font size set by this API is erased after a factory reset, and the original default font size becomes the active font size.

Supported font sizes on Android 4.0 device:

  • Tiny -> 0.85
  • Small -> 0.93
  • Normal -> 1.0
  • Large -> 1.30
  • Huge -> 1.80 (Only for specific applications. Large font size is applied in all other applications)
If an administrator attempts to set the font size to any other value than the system-supported font sizes, the device font size is set to the closest supported font size.

 // sample code to change device font size

 EnterpriseDeviceManager edm = EnterpriseDeviceManager.getInstance(context);

 Font font = edm.getFont();

 try {

     // administrator can check system-supported font sizes with

     // getSystemFontSizes() before setting new font size.


     float activeFontSize = 1.0;

     boolean result = font.setSystemActiveFontSize(activeFontSize);

     if (result == true) {

         Log.d(TAG, "setSystemActiveFontSize() success !!!");

     } else {

         Log.d(TAG, "setSystemActiveFontSize() failure !!!");


 } catch (SecurityException e) {

     Log.w(TAG, "SecurityException: " + e);



The use of this API requires the caller to have the "" permission which has a protection level of signature.
API level 6
MDM 4.0
Multiuser Environment
Global Scope