Since: API level 2

Provides classes to manage the bluetooth settings.


BluetoothControlInfo This generic class contains information about the Bluetooth policy values for a particular administrator. 
BluetoothPolicy This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth settings. 
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothProfile This class provides Bluetooth profiles that can be managed by administrators. 
BluetoothPolicy.BluetoothUUID This class provides Bluetooth UUIDs that an administrator can manage. 
BluetoothSecureModeConfig This class describes each of the Bluetooth profiles which can be enabled or disabled in Bluetooth Secure Mode. 
BluetoothSecureModePolicy This class provides APIs to control Bluetooth Secure Mode Settings. 
BluetoothSecureModeWhitelistConfig This class defines a structure specifying the fields which are required to add a device to a whitelist in Bluetooth Secure Mode.