Since: API level 11
public class


extends Object
implements Parcelable
Known Direct Subclasses

Deprecated in API level 36
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 13.

Class Overview

Interface for managing a container configuration type.


In Knox 2.0 a new concept has been introduced for the MDMs to create a container with initial policy configurations. A policy configuration can be created , by using KnoxConfigurationType or any subclasses (LightweightConfigurationType, ContainerModeConfigurationType) designed for a particular purpose. Samsung SDK provides a number of pre-provisioned configuration objects available for MDMs to use out of the box.

A simple way to find all these pre-provisioned object is by accessing getConfigurationTypes() method. A property in KnoxConfigurationType called "name" (getName()) is a unique way to differentiate these objects. Names have MDM scope, which means a MDM cannot reuse the same name for two custom KnoxConfigurationType objects. Pre-provisioned type objects have global namespace and MDMs cannot use their names to create custom objects.

A new set of configurations can be created by cloning an existing configuration. For details please refer to clone(String) Note that a clone needs to provide a name parameter which gives it a unique identification. The next step would be to save this configuration persistently by addConfigurationType(Context, KnoxConfigurationType) and only after that, custom configuration could be used to create a new container. From this time onwards, accessing getConfigurationTypes() would return all configurations including the ones created by MDM and the pre-provisioned ones together. A custom created configuration could be removed by MDM who created it, only when there is no existing container using this configuration.

Known pre-provisioned configuration types are

  • knox-b2b : Used for Knox 2.0 containers (by default, a Folder UI KNOX 2.0 container is created, but MDM can create Classic UI container following below sample code)
  • knox-b2b-com : Used for COM (Container only mode) Knox 2.0 containers
  • knox-b2b-lwc : Used for Light weight Knox 2.0 containers

Note for knox-b2b-com:

  • On Device Encryption (ODE) does not work after COM container is created. If device encryption is required, please perform ODE before COM container creation.

Create Classic UI container

try {

     KnoxConfigurationType predefinedConfiguration = KnoxContainerManager.getConfigurationTypeByName("knox-b2b");

     KnoxConfigurationType newConfig = predefinedConfiguration.clone("custom-configuration"); //Clones and assigns a new name



     int mRequestid = KnoxContainerManager.createContainer("custom-configuration");

} catch (SecurityException e) {

     Log.e(TAG, "SecurityException: " + e);


API level 11
KNOX 2.0


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
Public Methods
void allowLayoutSwitching(boolean allow)
API to enable/disable the layout switching.
KnoxConfigurationType clone(String name)
API to return a new KnoxConfigurationType object by cloning it from another existing KnoxConfigurationType object.
void enforceMultifactorAuthentication(boolean value)
API to enable or disable multi-factor authentication.
boolean getAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy(String appName, String property)
API to check whether user is allowed to change data sync policy through UI options.
List<String> getAppInstallationList()
API to get the list of apps that will be installed inside container.
boolean getBiometricAuthenticationEnabledValue()
API to get Biometric Autentication value.
int getContainerLayout()
API to get the default container layout type.
String getCustomHomeScreenWallpaper()
API to get the custom home screen wallpaper.
String getCustomLockScreenWallpaper()
API to get the custom lock screen wallpaper.
String getCustomizedContainerBadge()
API to get customized container badge icon from configuration type.
String getCustomizedContainerIcon()
API to get custom container icon from configuration type.
String getCustomizedContainerName()
API to get customised container name from configuration type.
String getCustomizedContainerNameIcon()
API to get customised name icon from configuration type.
String getDataSyncPolicy(String appName, String property)
API to get the data sync property value, for the given application.
AuthenticationConfig getEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication()
Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.
List<String> getForbiddenStrings()
API to get a list of forbidden strings for password.
int getKeyguardDisabledFeatures()
API to get the features that has been disabled container keyguard.
List<String> getListFromAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy(String property, boolean value)
API to get the list of applications from allow user change data sync policy based on property and its value.
List<String> getListFromDataSyncPolicy(String property, String value)
API to get the list of applications from data sync policy based on property and its value.
int getMaximumCharacterOccurences()
API to get the maximum character occurances in password.
int getMaximumCharacterSequenceLength()
API to get the maximum character sequence length.
int getMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe()
API to get the maximum failed attempts before the device wipes.
int getMaximumNumericSequenceLength()
API to get the maximum numeric sequence allowed from the configuration.
int getMaximumTimeToLock()
API to get the password lock delay.
String getName()
API to get the name of a type object.
int getPasswordMinimumLength()
API to get the minimum length required for a password.
int getPasswordMinimumLetters()
API to get the minimum alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordMinimumLowerCase()
API to get the minimum lower case letters required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordMinimumNonLetters()
API to get the minimum non alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordMinimumNumeric()
API to get the minimum numerics required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordMinimumSymbols()
API to get the minimum number of symbols required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordMinimumUpperCase()
API to get the minimum upper case letters required for setting a password from the configuration.
int getPasswordQuality()
API to get the password quality required for setting a password from the type object.
String getRequiredPwdPatternRestrictions()
API to get the required password pattern restriction.
boolean isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled(int bioAuth)
Deprecated in API level 35
boolean isCustomizedContainerEnabled()
API to get whether custom container is enabled/disabled from configuration type.
boolean isLayoutSwitchingAllowed()
API to check whether the layout switching is enabled/disabled.
boolean isMultifactorAuthenticationEnforced()
API to check whether multi-factor authentication is enabled.
void setAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy(List<String> applications, String property, boolean value)
API to allow/disallow user changing the data sync policy through UI options.
void setAppInstallationList(List<String> list)
API to set the list of apps that will be installed inside container.
void setBiometricAuthenticationEnabled(int bioAuth, boolean enable)
Deprecated in API level 35
void setContainerLayout(int layoutType)
API to set the default container layout type.
void setCustomHomeScreenWallpaper(String value)
API to set the custom home screen wallpaper path.
void setCustomLockScreenWallpaper(String value)
API to set the custom lock screen wallpaper path.
void setCustomizedContainerBadge(String value)
API to set custom container badge icon to configuration type.
void setCustomizedContainerEnabled(boolean value)
API to set custom container is enabled/disabled to configuration type.
void setCustomizedContainerIcon(String value)
API to set custom container icon to configuration type.
void setCustomizedContainerName(String value)
API to set customised container name to configuration type.
void setCustomizedContainerNameIcon(String value)
API to set customised name icon to configuration type.
void setDataSyncPolicy(List<String> applications, String property, String value)
API to set the data sync policies for remote content providers inside container.
void setEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication(AuthenticationConfig authenticationConfig)
Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.
void setForbiddenStrings(List<String> list)
API to set the list of forbidden strings for password.
void setKeyguardDisabledFeatures(int which)
API to set the features need to be disabled for container keyguard.
void setMaximumCharacterOccurences(int value)
API to set the maximum character occurances in password.
void setMaximumCharacterSequenceLength(int value)
API to set the maximum character sequence length.
void setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe(int value)
API to set the maximum failed attempts before the device wipes.
void setMaximumNumericSequenceLength(int value)
API to set the maximum numeric sequence allowed.
void setMaximumTimeToLock(int value)
API to set the password lock delay.
void setName(String value)
API to set the name of a type object.
void setPasswordMinimumLength(int value)
API to set the minimum length required for a password.
void setPasswordMinimumLetters(int value)
API to set the minimum alphabetical characters required for setting a password in the configuration.
void setPasswordMinimumLowerCase(int value)
API to set the minimum lower case letters required for setting a password in the configuration.
void setPasswordMinimumNonLetters(int value)
API to set the minimum non alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.
void setPasswordMinimumNumeric(int value)
API to set the minimum numerics required for setting a password in the configuration.
void setPasswordMinimumSymbols(int value)
API to set the minimum number of symbols required for setting a password in the configuration.
void setPasswordMinimumUpperCase(int value)
API to set the minimum upper case letters required for setting a password in the configuration.
void setPasswordQuality(int value)
API to set the password quality required for setting a password in the type object.
void setRequiredPasswordPattern(String value)
API to set the required password pattern restriction.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable

Public Methods

public void allowLayoutSwitching (boolean allow)

Since: API level 17

API to enable/disable the layout switching.

API to enable/disable the layout switching. This API will only work when object is clone of "knox-b2b" tag.
API level 17
KNOX 2.5

public KnoxConfigurationType clone (String name)

Since: API level 11

API to return a new KnoxConfigurationType object by cloning it from another existing KnoxConfigurationType object.

  • KnoxConfigurationType object.

 try {

     KnoxConfigurationType predefinedConfiguration = KnoxContainerManager.getConfigurationTypeByName("knox");

     KnoxConfigurationType newConfig = predefinedConfiguration.clone("custom-configuration"); //Clones and assigns a new name

     ArrayList appList = newConfig.getAppInstallationList();




 } catch (RemoteException e) {

     Log.e(TAG, "UnsupportedOperationException: " + e);



API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void enforceMultifactorAuthentication (boolean value)

Since: API level 13

API to enable or disable multi-factor authentication.

API level 13
KNOX 2.2

public boolean getAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy (String appName, String property)

Since: API level 11

API to check whether user is allowed to change data sync policy through UI options.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public List<String> getAppInstallationList ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the list of apps that will be installed inside container.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public boolean getBiometricAuthenticationEnabledValue ()

Since: API level 28

API to get Biometric Autentication value.

public int getContainerLayout ()

Since: API level 17

API to get the default container layout type.

API level 17
KNOX 2.5

public String getCustomHomeScreenWallpaper ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the custom home screen wallpaper.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public String getCustomLockScreenWallpaper ()

Since: API level 20

API to get the custom lock screen wallpaper.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public String getCustomizedContainerBadge ()

Since: API level 20

API to get customized container badge icon from configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public String getCustomizedContainerIcon ()

Since: API level 20

API to get custom container icon from configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public String getCustomizedContainerName ()

Since: API level 20

API to get customised container name from configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public String getCustomizedContainerNameIcon ()

Since: API level 20

API to get customised name icon from configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public String getDataSyncPolicy (String appName, String property)

Since: API level 11

API to get the data sync property value, for the given application.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public AuthenticationConfig getEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication ()

Since: API level 15

Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.

API to get Enterprise Identity configuration from KnoxConfigurationType.
Note: Due to Android security limitations, the enterprise identity authentication feature will not work when Device Owner is enabled on the device.

  • Enterprise Identity config object
Admin can use this api to get current Enterprise Identity authentication configurations.

Note: Currently Enterprise Identity is supported only on Container.
For Container:

 // When you create container successfully, containerID will be returned via intent.

 // Use this containerID in below API.

 EnterpriseKnoxManager ekm = EnterpriseKnoxManager.getInstance(context);

 KnoxContainerManager kcm = ekm.getKnoxContainerManager(containerID);

 KnoxConfigurationType predefinedConfiguration = kcm.getConfigurationTypeByName("knox");

 KnoxConfigurationType newConfig = predefinedConfiguration.clone("custom-configuration");

 try {

     AuthenticationConfig authConfig = newConfig.getEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication();

     if (authConfig != null ) {

         //successfully retrieved authentication config

     } else {

         //unable to get authentication config


 }catch (SecurityException e) {

     Log.e(TAG, "SecurityException: " + e);


API level 15
KNOX 2.4

public List<String> getForbiddenStrings ()

Since: API level 11

API to get a list of forbidden strings for password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getKeyguardDisabledFeatures ()

Since: API level 15

API to get the features that has been disabled container keyguard.

API level 15
KNOX 2.4

public List<String> getListFromAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy (String property, boolean value)

Since: API level 11

API to get the list of applications from allow user change data sync policy based on property and its value.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public List<String> getListFromDataSyncPolicy (String property, String value)

Since: API level 11

API to get the list of applications from data sync policy based on property and its value.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getMaximumCharacterOccurences ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the maximum character occurances in password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getMaximumCharacterSequenceLength ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the maximum character sequence length.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the maximum failed attempts before the device wipes.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getMaximumNumericSequenceLength ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the maximum numeric sequence allowed from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getMaximumTimeToLock ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the password lock delay.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public String getName ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the name of a type object.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumLength ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum length required for a password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumLetters ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumLowerCase ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum lower case letters required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumNonLetters ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum non alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumNumeric ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum numerics required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumSymbols ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum number of symbols required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordMinimumUpperCase ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the minimum upper case letters required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public int getPasswordQuality ()

Since: API level 11

API to get the password quality required for setting a password from the type object.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public String getRequiredPwdPatternRestrictions ()

Since: API level 12

API to get the required password pattern restriction.

API level 12
KNOX 2.1

public boolean isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled (int bioAuth)

Since: API level 14

Deprecated in API level 35

API to check whether the biometric authentication option is enabled or not in the configuration.

API level 14
KNOX 2.3
See Also

public boolean isCustomizedContainerEnabled ()

Since: API level 20

API to get whether custom container is enabled/disabled from configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public boolean isLayoutSwitchingAllowed ()

Since: API level 17

API to check whether the layout switching is enabled/disabled.

API level 17
KNOX 2.5

public boolean isMultifactorAuthenticationEnforced ()

Since: API level 13

API to check whether multi-factor authentication is enabled.

API level 13
KNOX 2.2

public void setAllowChangeDataSyncPolicy (List<String> applications, String property, boolean value)

Since: API level 11

API to allow/disallow user changing the data sync policy through UI options.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setAppInstallationList (List<String> list)

Since: API level 11

API to set the list of apps that will be installed inside container.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setBiometricAuthenticationEnabled (int bioAuth, boolean enable)

Since: API level 14

Deprecated in API level 35

API to set the biometric authentication option in the configuration required to enable or disable it on the list of lockscreen password options.

API level 14
KNOX 2.3
See Also

public void setContainerLayout (int layoutType)

Since: API level 17

API to set the default container layout type.

API to set the default container layout type. This API will only work when object is clone of "knox-b2b" tag. It accepts CONTAINER_LAYOUT_TYPE_FOLDER and CONTAINER_LAYOUT_TYPE_CLASSIC
API level 17
KNOX 2.5

public void setCustomHomeScreenWallpaper (String value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the custom home screen wallpaper path.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

NOTE: It is recommended administrator to use image with resolution which is in proportion to the device screen dimensions.

public void setCustomLockScreenWallpaper (String value)

Since: API level 20

API to set the custom lock screen wallpaper path.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setCustomizedContainerBadge (String value)

Since: API level 20

API to set custom container badge icon to configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setCustomizedContainerEnabled (boolean value)

Since: API level 20

API to set custom container is enabled/disabled to configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setCustomizedContainerIcon (String value)

Since: API level 20

API to set custom container icon to configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setCustomizedContainerName (String value)

Since: API level 20

API to set customised container name to configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setCustomizedContainerNameIcon (String value)

Since: API level 20

API to set customised name icon to configuration type.

API level 20
KNOX 2.7

public void setDataSyncPolicy (List<String> applications, String property, String value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the data sync policies for remote content providers inside container.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication (AuthenticationConfig authenticationConfig)

Since: API level 15

Deprecated in API level 33
NOTE: This API is not available since Android 11.

API to configure and enforce Enterprise Identity authentication during container creation. Enterprise Identity authentication is another type of lock like PIN/Password/etc. It allows user to use their enterprise credential as container unlock method


Admin use this api to configure and enforce Enterprise Identity authentication for creating container. Admin can either just configure Enterprise Identity and let user to choose lock type or admin can enforce user to choose Enterprise Identity. Enterprise Identity authentication lock will enforce password quality and all password complexity rules passed part of KnoxConfigurationType. So its admin responsibility to set up proper password quality and complexity rules which matches on Enterprise Identity server(e.g Active Directory). If password complexity rules passed on KnoxConfigurtionType are not match with Enterprise Identity server rules user can't successfully set up Enterprise Identity even if the user uses valid credentials. Also it is the administrator responsibility to install authenticator package on the device before starting container creation. It is also recommended to disable uninstallation and clearing data of the authenticator package in the case where user tries to uninstall the application or clear its data. Admin also must understand the various fields on the configuration object and their significance to decide what configuration is best for the enterprise.
Currently Enterprise Identity is not supported for MDFPP SDP enabled container.
Due to Android security limitations, the enterprise identity authentication feature will not work when Device Owner is enabled on the device.

 // The following steps MUST be followed for successful Enterprise Identity authentication set up

 //Step 1: Install authenticator package on device level


 String AUTHENTICATOR_PKGPATH = "/mnt/sdcard/authenticator.apk";

 EnterpriseDeviceManager edm = EnterpriseDeviceManager.getInstance(context);

 ApplicationPolicy appPolicy = edm.getApplicationPolicy();

 boolean result = appPolicy.installApplication(AUTHENTICATOR_PKGPATH, false);

 //make sure user should not able to uninstall this authenticator apk

 appPolicy.setApplicationUninstallationDisabled (AUTHENTICATOR_PKGNAME);

 //make sure user should not able to clear data of this authenticator apk

 List list = new ArrayList();



 //Step 2: Set up proper password quality and complexity rules. It should reflect the current password quality and complexity rules

 //set on Enterprise Identity server(e.g Active directory) otherwise error will be reported and container can't be created.

 KnoxConfigurationType predefinedConfiguration = KnoxContainerManager.getConfigurationTypeByName("knox");

 KnoxConfigurationType newConfig = predefinedConfiguration.clone("custom-configuration");

 newConfig.setPasswordQuality( DevicePolicManager.ALPHANUMERIC);





 newConfig.setPasswordMinimumNumeric (1);

 //Set Enterprise Identity config

 AuthenticationConfig  authConfig = new AuthenticationConfig();

 //Set the authenticator package name .Make sure given package already installed on the device

 authConfig.setAuthenticatorPkgName (AUTHENTICATOR_PKGNAME);

 //Set authenticator signature (optional);

 authConfig.setAuthenticatorPkgSignature( null);

 //Show Enterprise Identity option on available lock types.

 authConfig.setHideEnterpriseIdentityLock( true);

 //Enforce Enterprise Identity so that user must choose Enterprise Identity

 authConfig.setForceEnterpriseIdentityLock( true);

 //Configure authenticator params

 Bundle authBundle  = new Bundle();


 authBundle.putString ("FEDERATION_SERVER_URL", "");


 newConfig.setEnterpriseIdentityAuthentication (authConfig);

 //Step 3 : Create container


 int mRequestid = KnoxContainerManager.createContainer("custom-configuration");

 if(mRequestid < 0) {

     Log.d(TAG, "Container creation  failed);

 } else {

    Log.d(TAG, "Container creation in progress with id:" + mRequestid);


API level 15
KNOX 2.4

public void setForbiddenStrings (List<String> list)

Since: API level 11

API to set the list of forbidden strings for password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setKeyguardDisabledFeatures (int which)

Since: API level 15

API to set the features need to be disabled for container keyguard.
The calling device admin must have requested USES_POLICY_DISABLE_KEYGUARD_FEATURES to be able to call this method; if it has not, a security exception will be thrown.

API level 15
KNOX 2.4

public void setMaximumCharacterOccurences (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the maximum character occurances in password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setMaximumCharacterSequenceLength (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the maximum character sequence length.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the maximum failed attempts before the device wipes.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setMaximumNumericSequenceLength (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the maximum numeric sequence allowed.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setMaximumTimeToLock (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the password lock delay.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setName (String value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the name of a type object.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumLength (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum length required for a password.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumLetters (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum alphabetical characters required for setting a password in the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumLowerCase (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum lower case letters required for setting a password in the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumNonLetters (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum non alphabetical characters required for setting a password from the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumNumeric (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum numerics required for setting a password in the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumSymbols (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum number of symbols required for setting a password in the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordMinimumUpperCase (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the minimum upper case letters required for setting a password in the configuration.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setPasswordQuality (int value)

Since: API level 11

API to set the password quality required for setting a password in the type object.

API level 11
KNOX 2.0

public void setRequiredPasswordPattern (String value)

Since: API level 12

API to set the required password pattern restriction.

API level 12
KNOX 2.1