Since: API level 19
public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>

Class Overview

These constants indicate the possible error code related to an operation.

API level 19
MDM 5.6


Enum Values
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  DATABASE_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to a database action. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  INPUT_CHAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that INPUT chains are not supported in this kind of operation. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to an invalid parameter used in the rule. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that the target device does not support IPv6 for the type of rule intended. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  NOT_AUTHORIZED_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that the administrator applying the rules doesn't have authorization to perform the desired action. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  NO_ERROR  Indicates that the operation was completed successfully, without any errors. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to a wrong usage of the related method. 
FirewallResponse.ErrorCode  UNEXPECTED_ERROR  Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to an unexpected behavior of the APIs. 
Public Methods
static FirewallResponse.ErrorCode valueOf(String name)
final static ErrorCode[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode DATABASE_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to a database action. This error can occur due to an error on an add, remove or update operation in the database. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode INPUT_CHAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that INPUT chains are not supported in this kind of operation. This error occur when a FirewallRule for INPUT direction is created for a specific application.For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 30
Knox 3.4.1

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to an invalid parameter used in the rule. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode IPV6_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that the target device does not support IPv6 for the type of rule intended. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode NOT_AUTHORIZED_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to the fact that the administrator applying the rules doesn't have authorization to perform the desired action. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode NO_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation was completed successfully, without any errors.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to a wrong usage of the related method. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

public static final FirewallResponse.ErrorCode UNEXPECTED_ERROR

Since: API level

Indicates that the operation resulted in an error related to an unexpected behavior of the APIs. For more information check the message of the same FirewallResponse object by using the getMessage() method.

API level 19
MDM 5.6

Public Methods

public static FirewallResponse.ErrorCode valueOf (String name)

Since: API level 28

public static final ErrorCode[] values ()

Since: API level 28