Since: API level 17
public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>

Class Overview

This constant should be used to indicate whether a rule is related to connection through WI-FI or mobile data.

API level 17
MDM 5.5


Enum Values
Firewall.NetworkInterface  ALL_NETWORKS  Indicates that the rule is related to connection on any network interface. 
Firewall.NetworkInterface  MOBILE_DATA_ONLY  Indicates that the rule is related to connection through mobile data. 
Firewall.NetworkInterface  WIFI_DATA_ONLY  Indicates that the rule is related to connection through WI-FI. 
Public Methods
static Firewall.NetworkInterface valueOf(String name)
final static NetworkInterface[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final Firewall.NetworkInterface ALL_NETWORKS

Since: API level

Indicates that the rule is related to connection on any network interface.

API level 17
MDM 5.5

public static final Firewall.NetworkInterface MOBILE_DATA_ONLY

Since: API level

Indicates that the rule is related to connection through mobile data.

API level 17
MDM 5.5

public static final Firewall.NetworkInterface WIFI_DATA_ONLY

Since: API level

Indicates that the rule is related to connection through WI-FI.

API level 17
MDM 5.5

Public Methods

public static Firewall.NetworkInterface valueOf (String name)

Since: API level 28

public static final NetworkInterface[] values ()

Since: API level 28