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Demo AR

Last updated July 10th, 2024

As an IT admin, you can demo the Knox Capture AR features without having to set up a real server or go through any profile configuration or setup process.

AR demo mode only supports the View-and-update template. To learn more about templates, see AR overview.

Before you begin

Before you can demo the AR features, you’ll first need to display the Knox Capture demo AR barcodes on a screen. To do this, simply open the demo AR barcodes page on a computer or separate mobile device, then scan these barcodes to test the AR features.

View demo AR barcodes.

Try AR demo mode

Once you have the sample barcodes available, you can demo the AR features. To do this:

  1. Go to the Knox Capture app’s home screen, then tap the options menu button and select Knox Capture AR.

  2. On the Knox Capture Augmented Reality screen, tap Demo AR, then tap Start.

  3. On the next screen, tap Continue.

    As long as you have a valid Knox Suite license, you can use the AR demo mode as often as you need. If you don’t have a valid Knox Suite license, you can perform up to five scans before being prompted for a license key.

  4. Open the AR demo barcodes.

  5. Aim your camera at one or more sample barcodes, then tap Freeze to show the product information in the overlay.

  6. Tap > to view the full product details and make updates to the Stock count, then tap Save. The updated stock count updates in the AR overlay.

  7. Tap Done to exit AR demo mode.

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