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Knox Admin Portal 23.03 release notes

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Update to supported Android versions

In accordance with our updated Android support plan, the minimum supported version for Android devices registered in Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Manage, Knox E-FOTA, Knox Configure, and Knox Deployment app have each rolled forward. To review the minimum version on a product-by-product basis, see Policy update on Knox supported versions.

Updates to Samsung Knox and Knox Admin Portal enrollment

The My Knox dashboard is now deprecated, and the Samsung Knox and Knox Admin Portal enrollment flows are streamlined to reduce the barrier of entry and provide a cohesive user experience.

When a new user signs into their Knox account for the first time, they’re greeted with a welcome screen and can select services they want to see and use in the Knox Admin Portal. This new onboarding flow also replaces the Knox Admin Portal auto-tour.

Knox Admin Portal homepage

After you sign in to Samsung Knox, you are now greeted by a new homepage that contains guidance about how to get started with Knox services, including links to the latest features and support resources. All tools and resources that were previously found on the My Knox dashboard are also available through this homepage.

Default landing page on the Knox Admin Portal

You can set the landing page to be either the new homepage or the dashboard of a Knox service in Settings. To return to the homepage at any time, click Knox Admin Portal in the top-left corner or Home in the navigation pane.

Renew Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium licenses

Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE) licenses that are already expired or are about to expire within the next 90 days can now be renewed for another two years.

If your KPE license expires, it will impact your existing devices and you must re-activate your devices through your EMM.

To renew a KPE Premium license, click Manage license keys on the Licenses page. For detailed information about renewing KPE licenses, see Renew a license.

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