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Knox Deployment Program 22.03 release notes

Last updated April 25th, 2023

Multi-tenant device upload

Devices that are registered to tenants of Knox cloud services can now be uploaded to Knox Guard tenants and be concurrently registered in both.

Devices that have been uploaded through the Reseller Portal can also be registered to other Knox cloud services, even if the devices were previously registered in Knox Guard by upload. With this enhancement, resellers no longer see a device error when uploading a customer’s device.

Direct device upload using MSP ID

With this release, resellers can directly upload devices to an MSP using their MSP ID. MSPs can then select devices and move them to fully managed customers, making these devices show up on all of that customer’s services. This feature means that MSPs no longer have to communicate back to the Reseller with a list of IMEI/MEIDs and Customer IDs for uploading, reducing delays and risks of errors by simplifying the workflow. This feature is also supported in the KDP API.

The Device Details page now indicates whether a device was moved by the MSP to a customer. If a device moved to the customer, a section called Moved to customer by MSP will show the move date.

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