Register MDM app
For the MDM client app to set or apply policies on the Gear device, you must first register the app. To register the client app, call mdm_register_client ( const char * pkg_name )
API method.
And, call the mdm_result_t mdm_get_service ( void )
API method to connect to MDM server daemon, and get the caller information.
// The package name of the app to register as an MDM client
define PACKAGE_NAME "org.example.wearbletutorial"
// Register MDM client
if (mdm_register_client(PACKAGE_NAME) == MDM_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
// Connect to the MDM server daemon, and verify that the
// app is authorized to get MDM client information
if (mdm_get_service() == MDM_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
// App is authorized; register callback
mdm_register_client_callback(MDM_LICENSE_CB, __license_callback_, NULL, NULL);
} else {
// Could not connect to daemon or app is not authorized
// to get MDM client information
return false;
} else {
// Failed to register the client
return false;
To de-register
Call the mdm_deregister_client ( const char * pkg_name )
API method to de-register the client app. And, call the mdm_release_service ( void )
API method to release the resources.
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