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Step 3 — Call Knox cloud APIs with access token

Last updated December 21st, 2023

Access token obtained on the previous step can be used to call Knox cloud APIs on behalf of the customer who has provided the authorization consent (see Step 2).


--location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer vS5bXSmAwQ2t5pHp8bTWtyN82rGOiBjw2bVqrf-hG237GqUKgDU_72iBybh5_kbgQL0DiWNoSDObgO3xhBrbaEXqnzVh9Jm7eTRzl28KKRAvp1snC8OI7zh0VYtT8ftt'

Please refer to a specific Knox web service for the list of available APIs.

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