Knox Webhook Notification for Knox Asset Intelligence
Last updated September 12th, 2024
On this tab
- Prerequisites
- Registration
- Authentication
- Certificate
- Use the Knox Webhook Notification API
- Battery data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Network data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Screen time data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- App no response and force close
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery status
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery charging
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery level at shift start or end
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery data triggered by threshold level
- Step 1: Configure threshold value
- Step 2: Subscribe an event
- Step 3: Monitor battery consumption
- Step 4: Handle response message
- Wi-Fi connections
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Wi-Fi disconnections
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Device diagnostics logs
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Generate device diagnostics logs
- Step 3: Handle response message
- Verify the response
- Complete code
- One URL for multiple subscriptions
The following tutorials will help you get started on using the Knox Webhook Notification API for Knox Asset Intelligence.
Currently, the Knox Webhook Notification API supports the following Knox Asset Intelligence events:
- Battery data of app usage
- Network data of app usage
- Screen time data of app usage
- App no response and force close
- Battery status
- Battery charging
- Battery level at shift start or end
- Battery data triggered by threshold level
- Wi-Fi connections
- Wi-Fi disconnections
- Device diagnostics logs
To successfully make calls to the Knox Asset Intelligence API, ensure that you’ve configured Knox Asset Intelligence in the Knox Admin Portal and enrolled your managed devices in Knox Asset Intelligence. See Get started with Knox Asset Intelligence for details.
To get started with the Knox Asset Intelligence API, you can authenticate using one of the following methods:
a. Generate an access token through Knox OAuth 2.0 Authentication.
b. Generate an access token that doesn’t use OAuth 2.0 authentication. See Knox Cloud API Authentication tutorial for customers for more information.
Download your Samsung Knox validation certificate. You’ll need this to validate the response you’ll receive from Knox Webhook Notification.
DOWNLOAD CERTIFICATEUse the Knox Webhook Notification API
Battery data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the battery data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides battery status information every three hours periodically. Multiple data points collected over 3 hours are delivered separately based on the collection start or end time.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_APP_USAGE_TIME_BATTERY", "subscriptionId": "123456789123", "payload": { "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 11", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone": "EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Android System WebView", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "foregroundTime": 218, "backgroundTime": 664, "batteryUsage": 8.439181, "collectionStartTime": 1698821434171, "collectionEndTime": 1698822315340, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "2.1.2", "packageName": "com.digibites.accubattery", "appUID": 3, "foregroundTime": 0, "backgroundTime": 882, "batteryUsage": 0.172311, "collectionStartTime": 1698821434171, "collectionEndTime": 1698822315340, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
Network data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the mobile network data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides data usage information every two hours periodically.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every two hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 13", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone":"EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "mobileBackgroundUsage": 0, "mobileForegroundUsage": 0, "mobileUsage": 0, "wifiBackgroundUsage": 0, "wifiForegroundUsage": 19523071, "wifiUsage": 19523071, "collectionStartTime": 1692758400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698878900000, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "My example app", "appVersion": "15.22.18", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "mobileBackgroundUsage": 0, "mobileForegroundUsage": 0, "mobileUsage": 0, "wifiBackgroundUsage": 139108, "wifiForegroundUsage": 0, "wifiUsage": 139108, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698825600000, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
Screen time data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the screen time and app launching count data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides this usage information every three hours periodically. Multiple data points collected over 3 hours are delivered separately based on the collection start or end time.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_APP_USAGE_SCREENTIME", "subscriptionId": "123456789123", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example group", "model": "Example Model", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 13", "updatedTime": 1698822005913, "timeZone": "EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "openCount": 3, "screenTime": 2804, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698822000000, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "appUID": 1, "openCount": 1, "screenTime": 2, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698822000000, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
App no response and force close
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive ANR and FC event details. Knox Asset Intelligence checks for ANR and FC events every hour and only posts event details if there have been any new issues since the previous check.
Step 2: Handle response message
If there’s been an ANR/FC event, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_APP_ANR_FC", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "appName": "Android System WebView", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "class": "", "callStack": "java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int java.util.List.size()' on a null object reference at", "osVersion": "Android 11", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "model": "Example Device", "issueType": "ANR", "groupName": "Example Group", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone": "EST" }}
Battery status
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive battery status details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides battery status information every three hours periodically.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_BATTERY_STATUS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "updatedTime": 1692989890863, "timeZone": "EST", "batteryChargingType": "", "batteryChargingPlug": "N/A", "batteryLevel": 74, "batteryRemainingTime": 1118, "batterySoh": "Good", "batterySohValue": 99, "batteryStatus": "Discharging", "batteryChargingCycle": 29, "fullChargeBatteryTime": 1511 }}
Battery charging
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
to asynchronously receive details about the battery charging event as it occurs.
Step 2: Handle response message
After Knox Asset Intelligence finishes uploading the battery charging logs, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_BATTERY_CHARGING", "subscriptionId":"566797f70f280325c20ff234", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "batteryChargingType":"Fast(PD)", "batterySoh":"Good", "updatedTime":1698640685534, "groupName":"Example group", "serialNumber":"EX4MP13", "batterySohValue":100, "timeZone":"EST", "model": "Example Model", "batteryChargingPlug":"AC", "batteryLevel":33 }}
Battery level at shift start or end
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
events to asynchronously monitor the device battery levels and details at the start and end of a device usage work shift respectively.
Step 2: Handle response message
When the device starts or ends a work shift, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event":"KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_SHIFT_END", "subscriptionId": "678778f70f280325c20ff999", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "updatedTime":1698822002333, "batterySoh":"Good", "groupName":"Example group", "serialNumber":"EX4MPL3", "batterySohValue":100, "timeZone":"EST", "model": "Example Model", "batteryRemainingTime":2370, "batteryLevel":79 }}
Battery data triggered by threshold level
Step 1: Configure threshold value
Make an API call to the Set Triggered threshold of Battery level API to set threshold values for the device battery level.
Step 2: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the device battery levels and send a callback response when the battery level is below the triggered battery level.
Step 3: Monitor battery consumption
Once the battery level is below the set triggered value, the Knox Asset Intelligence client will generate the KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_TRIGGERED event. You can then check the triggered values set using the Get Triggered threshold of Battery level API.
Step 4: Handle response message
When the battery level is below the configured threshold, and the event is processed, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_TRIGGERED", "subscriptionId": "653085f70f789456c20ff019", "payload": { "batterySoh": "Good", "updatedTime": 1698819058359, "serialNumber": "EX4MPL3", "timeZone": "EST", "batteryRemainingTime": 2440, "groupName": "Example group", "batteryChargingCycle": 81, "fullChargeBatteryTime": 3000, "batteryStatus": "Discharging", "batterySohValue": 100, "model": "Example Model", "batteryChargingPlug": "N/A", "batteryLevel": 85 }}
Wi-Fi connections
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to get notified when a device connects to a wireless access point.
Step 2: Handle response message
Once the event is complete, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_WIFI_CONNECTIONS", "subscriptionId": "2123456789123", "payload": { "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "groupName": "Example Group", "bssid": "13:99:b2:0c:5b:23", "ssid": "Example wifi zone_secure", "vendorName": "Android 13", "oui": "13:99:b2", "rssi": -83, "channel": 60, "bands": 5.0, "linkspeed": 78, "updatedTime": 1700694634050, "timezone": "Asia/Seoul", "friendlyBssid" : "abcd" }}
Wi-Fi disconnections
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive abnormal Wi-Fi disconnection event details as they occur.
Step 2: Handle response message
In the event of an abnormal Wi-Fi disconnection, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_WIFI_DISCONNECTIONS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "localGenerated": "GENERATED_BY_DEVICE", "disconnectionCategory": "3rd Party App", "disconnectionEvent": "Caused by 3rd Party App", "disconnectionReasonCode": "36", "disconnectionReason": "Requesting STA is leaving the BSS (or resetting) (36)", "bssid": "00:30:00:00:00:00", "ssid": "DAI_DEV_2.5G", "vendorName": "Example Vendor", "oui": "e8:07:bf", "accessPointType": "APTYPE_PASSPOINT", "frequency": "5000", "screenState": "SCREEN_OFF", "powerSavingMode": "POWER_OFF", "updatedTime": 1692989890863, "timeZone": "EST" }}
Device diagnostics logs
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive the device diagnostics log once it’s complete. Knox Asset Intelligence can take up to five minutes to generate the log file.
Step 2: Generate device diagnostics logs
The generating operation makes an API call to the Knox Asset Intelligence generate device diagnostics logs operation.
Step 3: Handle response message
After Knox Asset Intelligence finishes generating the device diagnostics log, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICSLOGS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "logId": "64e851ddc136352a60a5e1a0", "status": "Completed", "downloadLink": "", "groupName": "Example Group", "updatedTime": 1692989890863 }}
Verify the response
To verify the Knox Webhook Notification callback response:
- Get the String value of
byte[] inputStreamBytes = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(request.getInputStream());Map jsonBody = objectMapper.readValue(inputStreamBytes, HashMap.class);String requestBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonBody);
- Parse the encoded JoseHeader and signature from X-WSM-SIGNATURE
String[] jwsParts = jwsSignature.split("\\.");if (jwsParts.length != 3) { // Invalid JWS signature return new ResponseEntity<>("Invalid JWS signature: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);}String encodedHeaders = jwsParts[0];String encodedRequestBody = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));String signature = jwsParts[2];
- Prepare the data to verify:
DataToVerify = encodedJoseHeader.Base64UrlEncode(HttpRequestPayload)
String dataToVerify = encodedHeaders + "." + encodedRequestBody;
Decode the signature with
decoder and verify the data above by usingSHA256withRSA
verify(DataToVerify, Base64UrlDecode(Signature))
byte[] signatureByte = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(signature);Signature rsaSignature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");// Pre-download Samsung certificate and store it locally with your application. Load public key from locally stored cert file.rsaSignature.initVerify(publicKey); rsaSignature.update(dataToVerify.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));boolean verified = rsaSignature.verify(signatureByte);if (verified) { // Process the result // ADD BUSINESS LOGIC, return OK return new ResponseEntity<> ("Result is processed successfully", HttpStatus.OK);} else { return new ResponseEntity<>("Signature validation failed: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);}
Complete code
public ResponseEntity receiveResult(HttpServletRequest request,@Valid @NotBlank @RequestHeader(value="X-WSM-SIGNATURE") String jwsSignature,@Valid @NotBlank @RequestHeader(value="X-WSM-TRACEID") String transId) { try { // 1. Get the request body byte[] inputStreamBytes = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(request.getInputStream()); Map jsonBody = objectMapper.readValue(inputStreamBytes, HashMap.class); String requestBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonBody); // 2. Verify the data and signature String[] jwsParts = jwsSignature.split("\\."); if (jwsParts.length != 3) { // Invalid JWS signature return new ResponseEntity<>("Invalid JWS signature: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } String encodedHeaders = jwsParts[0]; String encodedRequestBody = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String signature = jwsParts[2]; String dataToVerify = encodedHeaders + "." + encodedRequestBody; byte[] signatureByte = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(signature); Signature rsaSignature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA"); // Pre-download Samsung certificate and store it locally with your application. Load public key from locally stored cert file. rsaSignature.initVerify(publicKey); rsaSignature.update(dataToVerify.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); boolean verified = rsaSignature.verify(signatureByte); if (verified) { // 3. Process the result // ADD YOUR BUSINESS LOGIC, return OK return new ResponseEntity<> ("Result is processed successfully", HttpStatus.OK); } else { return new ResponseEntity<>("Signature validation failed: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("receiveResult: failed to verify or parse request body", e); return new ResponseEntity<>("Internal error: " + e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }}
One URL for multiple subscriptions
As a customer, you can configure one URL to subscribe to multiple events, as follows:
- Use customerA to create the subscription using the Knox Webhook Notification Subscription API.
- Configure
as the callback URL. - Make a call to one or more supported events using the same callback URL.
Once you successfully complete these steps, the configured URL
will receive the operation result.
This document was updated for the Knox cloud services 24.09 UAT.
On this tab
- Prerequisites
- Registration
- Authentication
- Certificate
- Use the Knox Webhook Notification API
- Battery data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Network data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Screen time data of app usage
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- App no response and force close
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery status
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery charging
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery level at shift start or end
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Battery data triggered by threshold level
- Step 1: Configure threshold value
- Step 2: Subscribe an event
- Step 3: Monitor battery consumption
- Step 4: Handle response message
- Wi-Fi connections
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Wi-Fi disconnections
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Handle response message
- Device diagnostics logs
- Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Step 2: Generate device diagnostics logs
- Step 3: Handle response message
- Verify the response
- Complete code
- One URL for multiple subscriptions
The following tutorials will help you get started on using the Knox Webhook Notification API for Knox Asset Intelligence.
Currently, the Knox Webhook Notification API supports the following Knox Asset Intelligence events:
- Battery data of app usage
- Network data of app usage
- Screen time data of app usage
- App no response and force close
- Battery status
- Battery charging
- Battery level at shift start or end
- Battery data triggered by threshold level
- Wi-Fi connections
- Wi-Fi disconnections
- Device diagnostics logs
To successfully make calls to the Knox Asset Intelligence API, ensure that you’ve configured Knox Asset Intelligence in the Knox Admin Portal and enrolled your managed devices in Knox Asset Intelligence. See Get started with Knox Asset Intelligence for details.
To get started with the Knox Asset Intelligence API, you can authenticate using one of the following methods:
a. Generate an access token through Knox OAuth 2.0 Authentication.
b. Generate an access token that doesn’t use OAuth 2.0 authentication. See Knox Cloud API Authentication tutorial for customers for more information.
The Samsung Knox validation certificate is required to validate the response you’ll receive from Knox Webhook Notification. Download the certificate using the GET /downloadCertificate operation.
Use the Knox Webhook Notification API
Battery data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the battery data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides battery status information every three hours periodically. Multiple data points collected over 3 hours are delivered separately based on the collection start or end time.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_APP_USAGE_TIME_BATTERY", "subscriptionId": "123456789123", "payload": { "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 11", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone": "EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Android System WebView", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "foregroundTime": 218, "backgroundTime": 664, "batteryUsage": 8.439181, "collectionStartTime": 1698821434171, "collectionEndTime": 1698822315340, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "2.1.2", "packageName": "com.digibites.accubattery", "appUID": 3, "foregroundTime": 0, "backgroundTime": 882, "batteryUsage": 0.172311, "collectionStartTime": 1698821434171, "collectionEndTime": 1698822315340, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
Network data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the mobile network data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides data usage information every two hours periodically.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every two hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 13", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone":"EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "mobileBackgroundUsage": 0, "mobileForegroundUsage": 0, "mobileUsage": 0, "wifiBackgroundUsage": 0, "wifiForegroundUsage": 19523071, "wifiUsage": 19523071, "collectionStartTime": 1692758400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698878900000, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "My example app", "appVersion": "15.22.18", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "mobileBackgroundUsage": 0, "mobileForegroundUsage": 0, "mobileUsage": 0, "wifiBackgroundUsage": 139108, "wifiForegroundUsage": 0, "wifiUsage": 139108, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698825600000, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
Screen time data of app usage
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the screen time and app launching count data of app usage and its details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides this usage information every three hours periodically. Multiple data points collected over 3 hours are delivered separately based on the collection start or end time.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_APP_USAGE_SCREENTIME", "subscriptionId": "123456789123", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example group", "model": "Example Model", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "osVersion": "Android 13", "updatedTime": 1698822005913, "timeZone": "EST", "usageDetail": [ { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "", "packageName": "", "appUID": 3, "openCount": 3, "screenTime": 2804, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698822000000, "timeZone": "EST" }, { "appName": "Example app", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "appUID": 1, "openCount": 1, "screenTime": 2, "collectionStartTime": 1698818400000, "collectionEndTime": 1698822000000, "timeZone": "EST" } ] }}
App no response and force close
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive ANR and FC event details. Knox Asset Intelligence checks for ANR and FC events every hour and only posts event details if there have been any new issues since the previous check.
Step 2: Handle response message
If there’s been an ANR/FC event, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_APP_ANR_FC", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "appName": "Android System WebView", "appVersion": "98.0.4606.89", "packageName": "", "class": "", "callStack": "java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int java.util.List.size()' on a null object reference at", "osVersion": "Android 11", "firmwareVersion": "4.14.190-23230211-abG973WVLS6HVA1", "model": "Example Device", "issueType": "ANR", "groupName": "Example Group", "updatedTime": 1692994420, "timeZone": "EST" }}
Battery status
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive battery status details. Knox Asset Intelligence provides battery status information every three hours periodically.
Step 2: Handle response message
Every three hours, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_BATTERY_STATUS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "model": "Example Device", "updatedTime": 1692989890863, "timeZone": "EST", "batteryChargingType": "", "batteryChargingPlug": "N/A", "batteryLevel": 74, "batteryRemainingTime": 1118, "batterySoh": "Good", "batterySohValue": 99, "batteryStatus": "Discharging", "batteryChargingCycle": 29, "fullChargeBatteryTime": 1511 }}
Battery charging
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
to asynchronously receive details about the battery charging event as it occurs.
Step 2: Handle response message
After Knox Asset Intelligence finishes uploading the battery charging logs, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_BATTERY_CHARGING", "subscriptionId":"566797f70f280325c20ff234", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "batteryChargingType":"Fast(PD)", "batterySoh":"Good", "updatedTime":1698640685534, "groupName":"Example group", "serialNumber":"EX4MP13", "batterySohValue":100, "timeZone":"EST", "model": "Example Model", "batteryChargingPlug":"AC", "batteryLevel":33 }}
Battery level at shift start or end
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
events to asynchronously monitor the device battery levels and details at the start and end of a device usage work shift respectively.
Step 2: Handle response message
When the device starts or ends a work shift, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event":"KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_SHIFT_END", "subscriptionId": "678778f70f280325c20ff999", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "updatedTime":1698822002333, "batterySoh":"Good", "groupName":"Example group", "serialNumber":"EX4MPL3", "batterySohValue":100, "timeZone":"EST", "model": "Example Model", "batteryRemainingTime":2370, "batteryLevel":79 }}
Battery data triggered by threshold level
Step 1: Configure threshold value
Make an API call to the Set Triggered threshold of Battery level API to set threshold values for the device battery level.
Step 2: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to asynchronously monitor the device battery levels and send a callback response when the battery level is below the triggered battery level.
Step 3: Monitor battery consumption
Once the battery level is below the set triggered value, the Knox Asset Intelligence client will generate the KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_TRIGGERED event. You can then check the triggered values set using the Get Triggered threshold of Battery level API.
Step 4: Handle response message
When the battery level is below the configured threshold, and the event is processed, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_BATTERY_LEVEL_TRIGGERED", "subscriptionId": "653085f70f789456c20ff019", "payload": { "batterySoh": "Good", "updatedTime": 1698819058359, "serialNumber": "EX4MPL3", "timeZone": "EST", "batteryRemainingTime": 2440, "groupName": "Example group", "batteryChargingCycle": 81, "fullChargeBatteryTime": 3000, "batteryStatus": "Discharging", "batterySohValue": 100, "model": "Example Model", "batteryChargingPlug": "N/A", "batteryLevel": 85 }}
Wi-Fi connections
Step 1: Subscribe an event
Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
.Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
Register the
event to get notified when a device connects to a wireless access point.
Step 2: Handle response message
Once the event is complete, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "event": "KAI_WIFI_CONNECTIONS", "subscriptionId": "2123456789123", "payload": { "serialNumber": "EX4MP13", "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "groupName": "Example Group", "bssid": "13:99:b2:0c:5b:23", "ssid": "Example wifi zone_secure", "vendorName": "Android 13", "oui": "13:99:b2", "rssi": -83, "channel": 60, "bands": 5.0, "linkspeed": 78, "updatedTime": 1700694634050, "timezone": "Asia/Seoul", "friendlyBssid" : "abcd" }}
Wi-Fi disconnections
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive abnormal Wi-Fi disconnection event details as they occur.
Step 2: Handle response message
In the event of an abnormal Wi-Fi disconnection, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_WIFI_DISCONNECTIONS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "groupName": "Example Group", "localGenerated": "GENERATED_BY_DEVICE", "disconnectionCategory": "3rd Party App", "disconnectionEvent": "Caused by 3rd Party App", "disconnectionReasonCode": "36", "disconnectionReason": "Requesting STA is leaving the BSS (or resetting) (36)", "bssid": "00:30:00:00:00:00", "ssid": "DAI_DEV_2.5G", "vendorName": "Example Vendor", "oui": "e8:07:bf", "accessPointType": "APTYPE_PASSPOINT", "frequency": "5000", "screenState": "SCREEN_OFF", "powerSavingMode": "POWER_OFF", "updatedTime": 1692989890863, "timeZone": "EST" }}
Device diagnostics logs
Step 1: Subscribe an event
- Subscribe a particular event to Knox Webhook Notification through the Create Subscription operation —
POST /kwn/v1/subscriptions
. - Provide a subscription URL — known as a “callback” — that you’ll register to receive asynchronous API operation results.
- Register the
event to asynchronously receive the device diagnostics log once it’s complete. Knox Asset Intelligence can take up to five minutes to generate the log file.
Step 2: Generate device diagnostics logs
The generating operation makes an API call to the Knox Asset Intelligence generate device diagnostics logs operation.
Step 3: Handle response message
After Knox Asset Intelligence finishes generating the device diagnostics log, you’ll receive the following message in the body of the subscribed URL call as the response payload:
{ "subscriptionId" : "123456789123", "event" : "KAI_DEVICE_DIAGNOSTICSLOGS", "payload": { "imei": "123456789", "imei1": "123456789", "imei2": "465789132", "serialNumber" : "EX4MP13", "logId": "64e851ddc136352a60a5e1a0", "status": "Completed", "downloadLink": "", "groupName": "Example Group", "updatedTime": 1692989890863 }}
Verify the response
To verify the Knox Webhook Notification callback response:
- Get the String value of
byte[] inputStreamBytes = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(request.getInputStream());Map jsonBody = objectMapper.readValue(inputStreamBytes, HashMap.class);String requestBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonBody);
- Parse the encoded JoseHeader and signature from X-WSM-SIGNATURE
String[] jwsParts = jwsSignature.split("\\.");if (jwsParts.length != 3) { // Invalid JWS signature return new ResponseEntity<>("Invalid JWS signature: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);}String encodedHeaders = jwsParts[0];String encodedRequestBody = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));String signature = jwsParts[2];
- Prepare the data to verify:
DataToVerify = encodedJoseHeader.Base64UrlEncode(HttpRequestPayload)
String dataToVerify = encodedHeaders + "." + encodedRequestBody;
Decode the signature with
decoder and verify the data above by usingSHA256withRSA
verify(DataToVerify, Base64UrlDecode(Signature))
byte[] signatureByte = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(signature);Signature rsaSignature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");// Pre-download Samsung certificate and store it locally with your application. Load public key from locally stored cert file.rsaSignature.initVerify(publicKey); rsaSignature.update(dataToVerify.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));boolean verified = rsaSignature.verify(signatureByte);if (verified) { // Process the result // ADD BUSINESS LOGIC, return OK return new ResponseEntity<> ("Result is processed successfully", HttpStatus.OK);} else { return new ResponseEntity<>("Signature validation failed: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);}
Complete code
public ResponseEntity receiveResult(HttpServletRequest request,@Valid @NotBlank @RequestHeader(value="X-WSM-SIGNATURE") String jwsSignature,@Valid @NotBlank @RequestHeader(value="X-WSM-TRACEID") String transId) { try { // 1. Get the request body byte[] inputStreamBytes = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(request.getInputStream()); Map jsonBody = objectMapper.readValue(inputStreamBytes, HashMap.class); String requestBody = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonBody); // 2. Verify the data and signature String[] jwsParts = jwsSignature.split("\\."); if (jwsParts.length != 3) { // Invalid JWS signature return new ResponseEntity<>("Invalid JWS signature: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST); } String encodedHeaders = jwsParts[0]; String encodedRequestBody = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(requestBody.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); String signature = jwsParts[2]; String dataToVerify = encodedHeaders + "." + encodedRequestBody; byte[] signatureByte = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(signature); Signature rsaSignature = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA"); // Pre-download Samsung certificate and store it locally with your application. Load public key from locally stored cert file. rsaSignature.initVerify(publicKey); rsaSignature.update(dataToVerify.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); boolean verified = rsaSignature.verify(signatureByte); if (verified) { // 3. Process the result // ADD YOUR BUSINESS LOGIC, return OK return new ResponseEntity<> ("Result is processed successfully", HttpStatus.OK); } else { return new ResponseEntity<>("Signature validation failed: X-WSM-SIGNATURE=" + jwsSignature, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("receiveResult: failed to verify or parse request body", e); return new ResponseEntity<>("Internal error: " + e.getMessage(), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }}
One URL for multiple subscriptions
As a customer, you can configure one URL to subscribe to multiple events, as follows:
- Use customerA to create the subscription using the Knox Webhook Notification Subscription API.
- Configure
as the callback URL. - Make a call to one or more supported events using the same callback URL.
Once you successfully complete these steps, the configured URL
will receive the operation result.
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