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The Knox Webhook Notification APIs have error codes that provide more insight into any issues you might encounter. The following tables describe the error codes:

Create subscription

Error code Error message Description
400 Bad request Validation error. Check the message contents for further information.

Load subscription

Error code Error message Description
404 Not found No subscription found. Check whether the event subscription was properly registered.

Update subscription

Error code Error message Description
400 Bad request Validation error. Check the message contents for further information.

Delete subscription

Error code Error message Description
404 Not found The subscription you’re trying to delete was not found.

Standard HTTP status codes

The following table lists the most common HTTP status codes:

Status code Status message Description
400 Bad request The client has issued an invalid request. This code is commonly used to specify validation errors in a request payload.
401 Unauthorized Authorization for the API is required, but the request was not authenticated.
403 Forbidden The request was authenticated but does not have the appropriate permissions, or the requested resource cannot be found.
404 Not found Specifies that the requested path does not exist.
406 Not acceptable The client has requested a MIME type through the Accept header for a value not supported by the server.
422 Unprocessable Entity The client has made a valid request, but the server cannot process it. This response is often returned for APIs when certain limits are exceeded.
429 Too many requests The client has exceeded the number of requests allowed for a given time window.
500 Internal server error An unexpected server error has ocurred.
501 Not implemented The client request was valid and understood by the server, but the requested feature has yet to be implemented.

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