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Get the Knox Capture SDK license

Last updated April 25th, 2024

If you don’t have access to License keys in the Knox Developer Portal, please contact your Samsung sales partner to request access.

You’ll need a Samsung Knox partner account to generate a Knox Capture SDK license. If you don’t have an account, please follow the instructions on our partner documentation site.

Get a developer license key

If you’re building your app, you can generate a DEVELOPMENT KEY, which grants you access permissions for development purposes.

  1. Go to and sign in with your Samsung account.
  2. On the Knox Developers console left navigation pane, select License keys > My license keys.
  3. Click ADD LICENSE KEY > Get a license key.
  4. In the DEVELOPMENT KEY tab, step 1. GENERATE DEVELOPMENT KEY, select Recommended.
  5. In step 2. NAME YOUR LICENSE KEY, provide an alias for your license key to differentiate between multiple license keys you generate. This step is mandatory.
  6. Click GET LICENSE KEY. If you read and agree to the SDK license agreements, click Agree. A developer license key will be generated.
  7. Review the license details by going to My license keys and clicking the name of your license key in the Alias column.

Get a commercial license key

If you’re ready to deploy your app, generate a COMMERCIAL KEY, which grants you access permissions for commercial deployment.

  1. On the My license key page, click ADD LICENSE KEY > Get a license key.
  2. In the COMMERCIAL KEY tab step 1. GENERATE COMMERCIAL KEY, select Recommended.
  3. In step 3. NAME YOUR LICENSE KEY, provide an alias for your license key. This is to differentiate between multiple commercial license keys you generate. This step is mandatory.
  4. In step 4. ASSOCIATE PACKAGE FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY, select the checkbox to confirm that the commercial license is going to only be used for the app that your company created. This step is mandatory.
  5. Click EXTRACT PACKAGE, then locate your app’s APK file and click Open.
  6. Click GET LICENSE KEY, then acknowledge and accept the SDK license agreements. A commercial license key will be generated.

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