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Knox Guard 24.09 release notes

Last updated September 25th, 2024

Ability to restrict Android Debug Bridge

Starting with the Knox Guard 24.09 release, you can restrict Android Debug Bridge (adb) for enhanced security. To do so, request for the permission to block adb on your Knox Guard enabled devices with Android 15 and higher. With the permission granted, use the Block/unblock the ADB command API to enable or disable adb on select devices or the corresponding Async API to do the same for multiple devices in bulk.

When adb command is blocked for the device, device user may not receive proper customer support solution. You should consider this limitation and have a plan in place to address device user issues.

Restricted device owner provisioning

The Fully managed device mode or device owner (DO) provisioning provides full device management control to the MDM app. Starting with the Knox Guard 24.09 release, DO provisioning is blocked, by default, on all Knox Guard activated devices manufactured with Android 15 OS and higher.

With the DO provisioning blocked, company-owned devices can’t be used for work. Only select partners can request the Samsung Admin to enable DO provisioning for them. With the permission granted, use the Block/unblock the DO provisioning API to block or unblock DO provisioning on select devices or the corresponding Async API to do the same for multiple devices in bulk.

Learn more about admin features

To learn about features available to admins in this release, see Knox Guard 24.09 release notes in the admin guide.

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