Knox APIs in the personal profile
As described in Device management modes, Android 11:
deprecates the fully managed device with a work profile, to protect user privacy on company devices that enable personal usage
provides a new work profile on company-owned devices mode, which limits company management of the personal profile
This page provides a granular list of the Knox APIs that can be called on the personal profile of company-owned devices with Android 11. For a more high-level overview, see Knox policies in the personal profile.
Knox APIs allowed
As described in Prepare Knox for Android 11, you now need to call a new Knox SDK v3.7 API method called getParentInstance to call the allowed Knox API methods in the personal profile of a company-owned device.
Below is a list of the API methods allowed the personal profile of a company-owned device. If you don’t see a particular method in this list, it is not allowed.
Class | Method |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowBLE |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowFirmwareAutoUpdate |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowLocalContactStorage |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowOnlySecureConnections |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowRemoteControl |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowUserSetAlwaysOn |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | allowWifiScanning |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | getCCModeState |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isBLEAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isFirmwareAutoUpdateAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isLocalContactStorageAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isOnlySecureConnectionsAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isRemoteControlAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isUserSetAlwaysOnAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | isWifiScanningAllowed |
AdvancedRestrictionPolicy | setCCMode |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppPackageNameToBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppPackageNameToWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppPackageNameToWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppPermissionToBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppSignatureToBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppSignatureToWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addAppSignatureToWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addNewAdminActivationAppWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableUpdateBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableUpdateWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableUpdateWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearAppPackageNameFromList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearAppSignatureFromList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearDisableUpdateBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearDisableUpdateWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearNewAdminActivationAppWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | clearPackagesFromDisableUpdateList |
ApplicationPolicy | getApplicationComponentState |
ApplicationPolicy | getApplicationInstallationEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | getApplicationInstallationMode |
ApplicationPolicy | getApplicationStateEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | getApplicationStateList |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppPackageNamesAllBlackLists |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppPackageNamesAllWhiteLists |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppPermissionsAllBlackLists |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppPermissionsBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppSignaturesAllBlackLists |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppSignaturesAllWhiteLists |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppSignaturesBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | getAppSignaturesWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | getNewAdminActivationAppWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | getPackagesFromDisableUpdateBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | getPackagesFromDisableUpdateWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | isNewAdminActivationEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | isNewAdminInstallationEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | preventNewAdminActivation |
ApplicationPolicy | preventNewAdminInstallation |
ApplicationPolicy | removeAppPackageNameFromBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | removeAppPackageNameFromWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | removeAppPermissionFromBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | removeAppSignatureFromBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | removeAppSignatureFromWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | removePackagesFromDisableUpdateBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | removePackagesFromDisableUpdateWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationComponentState |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationInstallationDisabled |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationInstallationEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationInstallationMode |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationStateList |
ApplicationPolicy | setDisableApplication |
ApplicationPolicy | setEnableApplication |
ApplicationPolicy | startApp |
ApplicationPolicy | stopApp |
AuditLog | a |
AuditLog | c |
AuditLog | disableAuditLog |
AuditLog | disableIPTablesLogging |
AuditLog | dumpLogFile |
AuditLog | e |
AuditLog | enableAuditLog |
AuditLog | enableIPTablesLogging |
AuditLog | getAuditLogRules |
AuditLog | getCriticalLogSize |
AuditLog | getCurrentLogFileSize |
AuditLog | getMaximumLogSize |
AuditLog | isAuditLogEnabled |
AuditLog | isIPTablesLoggingEnabled |
AuditLog | n |
AuditLog | setAuditLogRules |
AuditLog | setCriticalLogSize |
AuditLog | setMaximumLogSize |
AuditLog | w |
BluetoothPolicy | activateBluetoothDeviceRestriction |
BluetoothPolicy | activateBluetoothUUIDRestriction |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothDevicesToBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothDevicesToWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothDevicesToWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothUUIDsToBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothUUIDsToWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | addBluetoothUUIDsToWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | allowCallerIDDisplay |
BluetoothPolicy | allowOutgoingCalls |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothDevicesFromBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothDevicesFromList |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothDevicesFromWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothUUIDsFromBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothUUIDsFromList |
BluetoothPolicy | clearBluetoothUUIDsFromWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | getAllowBluetoothDataTransfer |
BluetoothPolicy | getBluetoothDevicesFromBlackLists |
BluetoothPolicy | getBluetoothDevicesFromWhiteLists |
BluetoothPolicy | getBluetoothUUIDsFromBlackLists |
BluetoothPolicy | getBluetoothUUIDsFromWhiteLists |
BluetoothPolicy | isBluetoothDeviceRestrictionActive |
BluetoothPolicy | isBluetoothUUIDRestrictionActive |
BluetoothPolicy | isCallerIDDisplayAllowed |
BluetoothPolicy | isDesktopConnectivityEnabled |
BluetoothPolicy | isDiscoverableEnabled |
BluetoothPolicy | isLimitedDiscoverableEnabled |
BluetoothPolicy | isOutgoingCallsAllowed |
BluetoothPolicy | isPairingEnabled |
BluetoothPolicy | isProfileEnabled |
BluetoothPolicy | removeBluetoothDevicesFromBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | removeBluetoothDevicesFromWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | removeBluetoothUUIDsFromBlackList |
BluetoothPolicy | removeBluetoothUUIDsFromWhiteList |
BluetoothPolicy | setAllowBluetoothDataTransfer |
BluetoothPolicy | setDesktopConnectivityState |
BluetoothPolicy | setDiscoverableState |
BluetoothPolicy | setLimitedDiscoverableState |
BluetoothPolicy | setPairingState |
BluetoothPolicy | setProfileState |
BootBanner | enableRebootBanner |
BootBanner | enableRebootBanner |
BootBanner | isRebootBannerEnabled |
CustomDeviceManager | checkEnterprisePermission |
CustomDeviceManager | getDexManager |
CustomDeviceManager | getSettingsManager |
CustomDeviceManager | getSystemManager |
DateTimePolicy | getAutomaticTime |
DateTimePolicy | getDateFormat |
DateTimePolicy | getDateTime |
DateTimePolicy | getDaylightSavingTime |
DateTimePolicy | getNtpInfo |
DateTimePolicy | getTimeFormat |
DateTimePolicy | getTimeZone |
DateTimePolicy | isDateTimeChangeEnabled |
DateTimePolicy | setAutomaticTime |
DateTimePolicy | setDateTime |
DateTimePolicy | setDateTimeChangeEnabled |
DateTimePolicy | setNtpInfo |
DateTimePolicy | setTimeFormat |
DateTimePolicy | setTimeZone |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToAdditionBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToAdditionWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToAdditionWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToRemovalBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToRemovalWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | addAccountsToRemovalWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromAdditionBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromAdditionList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromAdditionWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromRemovalBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromRemovalList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | clearAccountsFromRemovalWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | getAccountsFromAdditionBlackLists |
DeviceAccountPolicy | getAccountsFromAdditionWhiteLists |
DeviceAccountPolicy | getAccountsFromRemovalBlackLists |
DeviceAccountPolicy | getAccountsFromRemovalWhiteLists |
DeviceAccountPolicy | getSupportedAccountTypes |
DeviceAccountPolicy | removeAccountsByType |
DeviceAccountPolicy | removeAccountsFromAdditionBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | removeAccountsFromAdditionWhiteList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | removeAccountsFromRemovalBlackList |
DeviceAccountPolicy | removeAccountsFromRemovalWhiteList |
DeviceInventory | getAvailableCapacityExternal |
DeviceInventory | getAvailableCapacityInternal |
DeviceInventory | getDeviceOS |
DeviceInventory | getDeviceOSVersion |
DeviceInventory | getDroppedCallsCount |
DeviceInventory | getLastSimChangeInfo |
DeviceInventory | getMissedCallsCount |
DeviceInventory | getSalesCode |
DeviceInventory | getSuccessCallsCount |
DeviceInventory | getTotalCapacityExternal |
DeviceInventory | getTotalCapacityInternal |
DeviceInventory | resetCallsCount |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | getRequireDeviceEncryption |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | getRequireStorageCardEncryption |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | isExternalStorageEncrypted |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | setExternalStorageEncryption |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | setRequireDeviceEncryption |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | setRequireStorageCardEncryption |
DeviceSecurityPolicy | wipeDevice |
DexManager | addPackageToDisableList |
DexManager | addShortcut |
DexManager | addURLShortcut |
DexManager | addURLShortcut |
DexManager | allowAutoOpenLastApp |
DexManager | allowScreenTimeoutChange |
DexManager | clearLoadingLogo |
DexManager | enforceEthernetOnly |
DexManager | enforceVirtualMacAddress |
DexManager | getForegroundModePackageList |
DexManager | getHDMIAutoEnterState |
DexManager | getHomeAlignment |
DexManager | getPackagesFromDisableList |
DexManager | getScreenTimeout |
DexManager | getShowIMEWithHardKeyboard |
DexManager | getVirtualMacAddress |
DexManager | isAutoOpenLastAppAllowed |
DexManager | isDexActivated |
DexManager | isDexDisabled |
DexManager | isEthernetOnlyEnforced |
DexManager | isScreenTimeoutChangeAllowed |
DexManager | isVirtualMacAddressEnforced |
DexManager | removePackageFromDisableList |
DexManager | removeShortcut |
DexManager | removeURLShortcut |
DexManager | setDexDisabled |
DexManager | setForegroundModePackageList |
DexManager | setHDMIAutoEnterState |
DexManager | setHomeAlignment |
DexManager | setLoadingLogo |
DexManager | setScreenTimeout |
DexManager | setShowIMEWithHardKeyboard |
DexManager | setWallpaper |
EnterpriseDeviceManager | getAPILevel |
EnterpriseDeviceManager | getUserId |
Firewall | addDomainFilterRules |
Firewall | addRules |
Firewall | clearRules |
Firewall | enableDomainFilterOnIptables |
Firewall | enableDomainFilterReport |
Firewall | enableFirewall |
Firewall | getDomainFilterReport |
Firewall | getDomainFilterRules |
Firewall | getRules |
Firewall | isDomainFilterOnIptablesEnabled |
Firewall | isDomainFilterReportEnabled |
Firewall | isFirewallEnabled |
Firewall | listIptablesRules |
Firewall | removeDomainFilterRules |
Firewall | removeRules |
Font | getSystemActiveFont |
Font | getSystemActiveFontSize |
Font | getSystemFonts |
Font | getSystemFontSizes |
Font | setSystemActiveFont |
Font | setSystemActiveFontSize |
HdmManager | getHdmId |
HdmManager | getHdmPolicy |
HdmManager | setHdmPolicy |
KioskMode | allowAirCommandMode |
KioskMode | allowAirViewMode |
KioskMode | allowEdgeScreen |
KioskMode | allowHardwareKeys |
KioskMode | allowMultiWindowMode |
KioskMode | allowTaskManager |
KioskMode | clearAllNotifications |
KioskMode | disableKioskMode |
KioskMode | disableKioskMode |
KioskMode | enableKioskMode |
KioskMode | enableKioskMode |
KioskMode | enableKioskMode |
KioskMode | getAllBlockedHardwareKeys |
KioskMode | getBlockedEdgeScreen |
KioskMode | getHardwareKeyList |
KioskMode | getKioskHomePackage |
KioskMode | hideNavigationBar |
KioskMode | hideStatusBar |
KioskMode | hideSystemBar |
KioskMode | isAirCommandModeAllowed |
KioskMode | isAirViewModeAllowed |
KioskMode | isHardwareKeyAllowed |
KioskMode | isKioskModeEnabled |
KioskMode | isMultiWindowModeAllowed |
KioskMode | isNavigationBarHidden |
KioskMode | isStatusBarHidden |
KioskMode | isSystemBarHidden |
KioskMode | isTaskManagerAllowed |
KioskMode | wipeRecentTasks |
LocationPolicy | isGPSStateChangeAllowed |
LocationPolicy | setGPSStateChangeAllowed |
LockscreenOverlay | canConfigure |
LockscreenOverlay | changeLockScreenString |
LockscreenOverlay | configure |
LockscreenOverlay | configure |
LockscreenOverlay | getAlpha |
LockscreenOverlay | getCurrentLockScreenString |
LockscreenOverlay | getEmergencyPhone |
LockscreenOverlay | getEmergencyPhoneInfo |
LockscreenOverlay | isConfigured |
LockscreenOverlay | removeEmergencyPhone |
LockscreenOverlay | resetAll |
LockscreenOverlay | resetOverlay |
LockscreenOverlay | resetWallpaper |
LockscreenOverlay | setAlpha |
LockscreenOverlay | setEmergencyPhone |
LockscreenOverlay | setEmergencyPhoneInfo |
MultiUserManager | allowMultipleUsers |
MultiUserManager | multipleUsersAllowed |
MultiUserManager | multipleUsersSupported |
NfcPolicy | allowNFCStateChange |
NfcPolicy | isNFCStarted |
NfcPolicy | isNFCStateChangeAllowed |
NfcPolicy | startNFC |
PasswordPolicy | deleteAllRestrictions |
PasswordPolicy | enforcePwdChange |
PasswordPolicy | excludeExternalStorageForFailedPasswordsWipe |
PasswordPolicy | getForbiddenStrings |
PasswordPolicy | getMaximumCharacterOccurences |
PasswordPolicy | getMaximumCharacterSequenceLength |
PasswordPolicy | getMaximumFailedPasswordsForDeviceDisable |
PasswordPolicy | getMaximumNumericSequenceLength |
PasswordPolicy | getMinimumCharacterChangeLength |
PasswordPolicy | getMinPasswordComplexChars |
PasswordPolicy | getPasswordChangeTimeout |
PasswordPolicy | getPasswordExpires |
PasswordPolicy | getPasswordHistory |
PasswordPolicy | getPasswordLockDelay |
PasswordPolicy | getRequiredPwdPatternRestrictions |
PasswordPolicy | getSupportedBiometricAuthentications |
PasswordPolicy | isBiometricAuthenticationEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | isExternalStorageForFailedPasswordsWipeExcluded |
PasswordPolicy | isPasswordVisibilityEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | isScreenLockPatternVisibilityEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | lock |
PasswordPolicy | reboot |
PasswordPolicy | setBiometricAuthenticationEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | setForbiddenStrings |
PasswordPolicy | setMaximumCharacterOccurrences |
PasswordPolicy | setMaximumCharacterSequenceLength |
PasswordPolicy | setMaximumFailedPasswordsForDeviceDisable |
PasswordPolicy | setMaximumNumericSequenceLength |
PasswordPolicy | setMinimumCharacterChangeLength |
PasswordPolicy | setMinPasswordComplexChars |
PasswordPolicy | setPasswordChangeTimeout |
PasswordPolicy | setPasswordExpires |
PasswordPolicy | setPasswordHistory |
PasswordPolicy | setPasswordLockDelay |
PasswordPolicy | setPasswordVisibilityEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | setRequiredPasswordPattern |
PasswordPolicy | setScreenLockPatternVisibilityEnabled |
PasswordPolicy | unlock |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addIncomingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addIncomingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addIncomingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addIncomingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addOutgoingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addOutgoingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addOutgoingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | addOutgoingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowCallerIDDisplay |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowCopyContactToSim |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowIncomingMms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowIncomingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowOutgoingMms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowOutgoingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | allowWapPush |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | blockMmsWithStorage |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | blockSmsWithStorage |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | canIncomingCall |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | canIncomingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | canOutgoingCall |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | canOutgoingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | changeSimPinCode |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | clearStoredBlockedMms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | clearStoredBlockedSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | disableSimPinLock |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | enableLimitNumberOfCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | enableLimitNumberOfSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | enableSimPinLock |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getDataCallLimitEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getDisclaimerText |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getEmergencyCallOnly |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getIncomingCallExceptionPatterns |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getIncomingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getIncomingSmsExceptionPatterns |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getIncomingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getLimitOfDataCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getLimitOfIncomingCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getLimitOfIncomingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getLimitOfOutgoingCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getLimitOfOutgoingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getOutgoingCallExceptionPatterns |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getOutgoingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getOutgoingSmsExceptionPatterns |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | getOutgoingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isBlockMmsWithStorageEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isBlockSmsWithStorageEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isCallerIDDisplayAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isCopyContactToSimAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isIncomingMmsAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isIncomingSmsAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isLimitNumberOfCallsEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isLimitNumberOfSmsEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isOutgoingMmsAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isOutgoingSmsAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isRCSEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | isWapPushAllowed |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeIncomingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeIncomingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeIncomingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeIncomingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeOutgoingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeOutgoingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeOutgoingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | removeOutgoingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | resetCallsCount |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | resetDataCallLimitCounter |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | resetSmsCount |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setDataCallLimitEnabled |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setDisclaimerText |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setEmergencyCallOnly |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setIncomingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setIncomingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setIncomingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setIncomingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setLimitOfDataCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setLimitOfIncomingCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setLimitOfIncomingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setLimitOfOutgoingCalls |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setLimitOfOutgoingSms |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setOutgoingCallExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setOutgoingCallRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setOutgoingSmsExceptionPattern |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setOutgoingSmsRestriction |
PhoneRestrictionPolicy | setRCSEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | allowAirplaneMode |
RestrictionPolicy | allowAndroidBeam |
RestrictionPolicy | allowAudioRecord |
RestrictionPolicy | allowBackgroundProcessLimit |
RestrictionPolicy | allowBluetooth |
RestrictionPolicy | allowDataSaving |
RestrictionPolicy | allowDeveloperMode |
RestrictionPolicy | allowFastEncryption |
RestrictionPolicy | allowFirmwareRecovery |
RestrictionPolicy | allowGoogleCrashReport |
RestrictionPolicy | allowKillingActivitiesOnLeave |
RestrictionPolicy | allowLockScreenView |
RestrictionPolicy | allowOTAUpgrade |
RestrictionPolicy | allowPowerOff |
RestrictionPolicy | allowPowerSavingMode |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSafeMode |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSBeam |
RestrictionPolicy | allowScreenPinning |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSDCardMove |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSDCardWrite |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSettingsChanges |
RestrictionPolicy | allowShareList |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSmartClipMode |
RestrictionPolicy | allowStatusBarExpansion |
RestrictionPolicy | allowStopSystemApp |
RestrictionPolicy | allowSVoice |
RestrictionPolicy | allowUsbHostStorage |
RestrictionPolicy | allowUserMobileDataLimit |
RestrictionPolicy | allowVideoRecord |
RestrictionPolicy | allowVpn |
RestrictionPolicy | allowWallpaperChange |
RestrictionPolicy | allowWiFi |
RestrictionPolicy | allowWifiDirect |
RestrictionPolicy | getAllowedFOTAVersion |
RestrictionPolicy | getUsbExceptionList |
RestrictionPolicy | isAirplaneModeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isAndroidBeamAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isAudioRecordAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isBackgroundDataEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isBackgroundProcessLimitAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isBluetoothEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isBluetoothTetheringEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isCameraEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isCellularDataAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isDataSavingAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isDeveloperModeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isFastEncryptionAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isFirmwareRecoveryAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isGoogleCrashReportAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isHeadphoneEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isHomeKeyEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isKillingActivitiesOnLeaveAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isLockScreenEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isLockScreenViewAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isMicrophoneEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isMockLocationEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isNonMarketAppAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isOTAUpgradeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isPowerOffAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isPowerSavingModeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSafeModeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSBeamAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isScreenCaptureEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isScreenPinningAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSdCardEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isSDCardMoveAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSDCardWriteAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSettingsChangesAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isShareListAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSmartClipModeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isStatusBarExpansionAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isStopSystemAppAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isSVoiceAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isTetheringEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isUsbDebuggingEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isUsbHostStorageAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isUsbMediaPlayerAvailable |
RestrictionPolicy | isUsbTetheringEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isUserMobileDataLimitAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isVideoRecordAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isVpnAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isWallpaperChangeAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isWifiDirectAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | isWiFiEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | isWifiTetheringEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | setAllowNonMarketApps |
RestrictionPolicy | setBackgroundData |
RestrictionPolicy | setBluetoothTethering |
RestrictionPolicy | setCameraState |
RestrictionPolicy | setCellularData |
RestrictionPolicy | setHeadphoneState |
RestrictionPolicy | setHomeKeyState |
RestrictionPolicy | setLockScreenState |
RestrictionPolicy | setMicrophoneState |
RestrictionPolicy | setMockLocation |
RestrictionPolicy | setScreenCapture |
RestrictionPolicy | setSdCardState |
RestrictionPolicy | setTethering |
RestrictionPolicy | setUsbDebuggingEnabled |
RestrictionPolicy | setUsbExceptionList |
RestrictionPolicy | setUsbMediaPlayerAvailability |
RestrictionPolicy | setUsbTethering |
RestrictionPolicy | setWifiTethering |
RoamingPolicy | isRoamingDataEnabled |
RoamingPolicy | isRoamingPushEnabled |
RoamingPolicy | isRoamingSyncEnabled |
RoamingPolicy | isRoamingVoiceCallsEnabled |
RoamingPolicy | setRoamingData |
RoamingPolicy | setRoamingPush |
RoamingPolicy | setRoamingSync |
RoamingPolicy | setRoamingVoiceCalls |
SettingsManager | getAirGestureOptionState |
SettingsManager | getEthernetConfigurationType |
SettingsManager | getEthernetState |
SettingsManager | getPackageVerifierState |
SettingsManager | getPowerSavingMode |
SettingsManager | getScreenWakeupOnPowerState |
SettingsManager | getSettingsHiddenState |
SettingsManager | getWifiConnectionMonitorState |
SettingsManager | setAdbState |
SettingsManager | setAirGestureOptionState |
SettingsManager | setBrightness |
SettingsManager | setDeveloperOptionsHidden |
SettingsManager | setEthernetConfiguration |
SettingsManager | setEthernetState |
SettingsManager | setFlightModeState |
SettingsManager | setInputMethod |
SettingsManager | setMobileDataRoamingState |
SettingsManager | setMobileDataState |
SettingsManager | setPackageVerifierState |
SettingsManager | setPowerSavingMode |
SettingsManager | setScreenWakeupOnPowerState |
SettingsManager | setSettingsHiddenState |
SettingsManager | setStayAwakeState |
SettingsManager | setSystemLocale |
SettingsManager | setUsbDeviceDefaultPackage |
SettingsManager | setWifiConnectionMonitorState |
SettingsManager | setWifiState |
SettingsManager | setWifiState |
SystemManager | addAutoCallNumber |
SystemManager | addPackagesToUltraPowerSaving |
SystemManager | addShortcut |
SystemManager | addWidget |
SystemManager | clearAnimation |
SystemManager | deleteHomeScreenPage |
SystemManager | dialEmergencyNumber |
SystemManager | getAccessibilitySettingsItems |
SystemManager | getAutoCallNumberAnswerMode |
SystemManager | getAutoCallNumberDelay |
SystemManager | getAutoCallNumberList |
SystemManager | getAutoCallPickupState |
SystemManager | getCallScreenDisabledItems |
SystemManager | getDeviceSpeakerEnabledState |
SystemManager | getDisplayMirroringState |
SystemManager | getFavoriteApp |
SystemManager | getFavoriteAppsMaxCount |
SystemManager | getForceAutoShutDownState |
SystemManager | getForceAutoStartUpState |
SystemManager | getHardKeyBlockState |
SystemManager | getHardKeyIntentState |
SystemManager | getHardKeyIntentState |
SystemManager | getHomeScreenMode |
SystemManager | getKeyboardMode |
SystemManager | getLcdBacklightState |
SystemManager | getLockScreenHiddenItems |
SystemManager | getLockScreenShortcut |
SystemManager | getMacAddress |
SystemManager | getMobileNetworkType |
SystemManager | getPowerDialogCustomItems |
SystemManager | getPowerDialogCustomItemsState |
SystemManager | getPowerMenuLockedState |
SystemManager | getQuickPanelButtons |
SystemManager | getQuickPanelEditMode |
SystemManager | getQuickPanelItems |
SystemManager | getRecentLongPressActivity |
SystemManager | getRecentLongPressMode |
SystemManager | getScreenOffOnHomeLongPressState |
SystemManager | getScreenOffOnStatusBarDoubleTapState |
SystemManager | getScreenTimeout |
SystemManager | getStatusBarClockState |
SystemManager | getStatusBarIconsState |
SystemManager | getStatusBarMode |
SystemManager | getStatusBarNotificationsState |
SystemManager | getStatusBarText |
SystemManager | getStatusBarTextScrollWidth |
SystemManager | getStatusBarTextSize |
SystemManager | getStatusBarTextStyle |
SystemManager | getSystemSoundsEnabledState |
SystemManager | getToastEnabledState |
SystemManager | getUltraPowerSavingPackages |
SystemManager | getUnlockSimOnBootState |
SystemManager | getUsbConnectionType |
SystemManager | getUsbMassStorageState |
SystemManager | getUsbNetAddress |
SystemManager | getUsbNetState |
SystemManager | getUserInactivityTimeout |
SystemManager | getVibrationIntensity |
SystemManager | getVolumePanelEnabledState |
SystemManager | getWifiAutoSwitchDelay |
SystemManager | getWifiAutoSwitchState |
SystemManager | getWifiAutoSwitchThreshold |
SystemManager | getWifiHotspotEnabledState |
SystemManager | getZeroPageState |
SystemManager | powerOff |
SystemManager | removeAutoCallNumber |
SystemManager | removeFavoriteApp |
SystemManager | removePackagesFromUltraPowerSaving |
SystemManager | removeShortcut |
SystemManager | removeWidget |
SystemManager | setAccessibilitySettingsItems |
SystemManager | setAudioVolume |
SystemManager | setAutoCallPickupState |
SystemManager | setBootingAnimation |
SystemManager | setBrowserHomepage |
SystemManager | setCallScreenDisabledItems |
SystemManager | setDeviceSpeakerEnabledState |
SystemManager | setDisplayMirroringState |
SystemManager | setFavoriteApp |
SystemManager | setForceAutoShutDownState |
SystemManager | setForceAutoStartUpState |
SystemManager | setHardKeyIntentState |
SystemManager | setHardKeyIntentState |
SystemManager | setHomeScreenMode |
SystemManager | setKeyboardMode |
SystemManager | setLcdBacklightState |
SystemManager | setLockScreenHiddenItems |
SystemManager | setLockScreenShortcut |
SystemManager | setMobileNetworkType |
SystemManager | setPowerDialogCustomItems |
SystemManager | setPowerDialogCustomItemsState |
SystemManager | setPowerMenuLockedState |
SystemManager | setQuickPanelButtons |
SystemManager | setQuickPanelEditMode |
SystemManager | setQuickPanelItems |
SystemManager | setRecentLongPressActivity |
SystemManager | setRecentLongPressMode |
SystemManager | setScreenOffOnHomeLongPressState |
SystemManager | setScreenOffOnStatusBarDoubleTapState |
SystemManager | setScreenTimeout |
SystemManager | setShuttingDownAnimation |
SystemManager | setStatusBarClockState |
SystemManager | setStatusBarIconsState |
SystemManager | setStatusBarMode |
SystemManager | setStatusBarNotificationsState |
SystemManager | setStatusBarText |
SystemManager | setStatusBarTextScrollWidth |
SystemManager | setSystemRingtone |
SystemManager | setSystemSoundsEnabledState |
SystemManager | setSystemSoundsSilent |
SystemManager | setToastEnabledState |
SystemManager | setUnlockSimOnBootState |
SystemManager | setUnlockSimPin |
SystemManager | setUsbConnectionType |
SystemManager | setUsbMassStorageState |
SystemManager | setUsbNetAddresses |
SystemManager | setUsbNetState |
SystemManager | setUserInactivityTimeout |
SystemManager | setVibrationIntensity |
SystemManager | setVolumePanelEnabledState |
SystemManager | setWifiAutoSwitchDelay |
SystemManager | setWifiAutoSwitchState |
SystemManager | setWifiAutoSwitchThreshold |
SystemManager | setWifiHotspotEnabledState |
SystemManager | setZeroPageState |
WifiPolicy | activateWifiSsidRestriction |
WifiPolicy | addBlockedNetwork |
WifiPolicy | addWifiSsidsToBlackList |
WifiPolicy | addWifiSsidsToWhiteList |
WifiPolicy | addWifiSsidsToWhiteList |
WifiPolicy | allowOpenWifiAp |
WifiPolicy | allowWifiApSettingUserModification |
WifiPolicy | clearWifiSsidsFromBlackList |
WifiPolicy | clearWifiSsidsFromList |
WifiPolicy | clearWifiSsidsFromWhiteList |
WifiPolicy | getAllowUserPolicyChanges |
WifiPolicy | getAllowUserProfiles |
WifiPolicy | getAutomaticConnectionToWifi |
WifiPolicy | getBlockedNetworks |
WifiPolicy | getMinimumRequiredSecurity |
WifiPolicy | getNetworkSSIDList |
WifiPolicy | getPasswordHidden |
WifiPolicy | getWifiApSetting |
WifiPolicy | getWifiProfile |
WifiPolicy | getWifiSsidsFromBlackLists |
WifiPolicy | getWifiSsidsFromWhiteLists |
WifiPolicy | isNetworkBlocked |
WifiPolicy | isOpenWifiApAllowed |
WifiPolicy | isWifiApSettingUserModificationAllowed |
WifiPolicy | isWifiSsidRestrictionActive |
WifiPolicy | isWifiStateChangeAllowed |
WifiPolicy | removeBlockedNetwork |
WifiPolicy | removeNetworkConfiguration |
WifiPolicy | removeWifiSsidsFromBlackList |
WifiPolicy | removeWifiSsidsFromWhiteList |
WifiPolicy | setAllowUserPolicyChanges |
WifiPolicy | setAllowUserProfiles |
WifiPolicy | setAutomaticConnectionToWifi |
WifiPolicy | setMinimumRequiredSecurity |
WifiPolicy | setPasswordHidden |
WifiPolicy | setWifiApSetting |
WifiPolicy | setWifiProfile |
WifiPolicy | setWifiStateChangeAllowed |
Knox APIs unset
Class | Method |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToClearCacheBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToClearCacheWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToClearDataBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToClearDataWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableClipboardBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableClipboardWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToDisableClipboardWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToFocusMonitoringList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToForceStopBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToForceStopWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToForceStopWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToNotificationBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToNotificationWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToNotificationWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToPreventStartBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToWidgetBlackList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToWidgetWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | addPackagesToWidgetWhiteList |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationNotificationMode |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationRestrictions |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationUninstallationDisabled |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationUninstallationEnabled |
ApplicationPolicy | setApplicationUninstallationMode |
BasePasswordPolicy | clearResetPasswordToken |
BasePasswordPolicy | getCurrentFailedPasswordAttempts |
BasePasswordPolicy | getKeyguardDisabledFeatures |
BasePasswordPolicy | getMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe |
BasePasswordPolicy | getMaximumTimeToLock |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordExpiration |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordExpirationTimeout |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordHistoryLength |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMaximumLength |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumLength |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumLetters |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumLowerCase |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumNonLetter |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumNumeric |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumSymbols |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordMinimumUpperCase |
BasePasswordPolicy | getPasswordQuality |
BasePasswordPolicy | getTrustAgentConfiguration |
BasePasswordPolicy | isActivePasswordSufficient |
BasePasswordPolicy | isResetPasswordTokenActive |
BasePasswordPolicy | resetPassword |
BasePasswordPolicy | resetPasswordWithToken |
BasePasswordPolicy | setKeyguardDisabledFeatures |
BasePasswordPolicy | setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe |
BasePasswordPolicy | setMaximumTimeToLock |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordExpirationTimeout |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordHistoryLength |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumLength |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumLetters |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumLowerCase |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumNonLetter |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumNumeric |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumSymbols |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordMinimumUpperCase |
BasePasswordPolicy | setPasswordQuality |
BasePasswordPolicy | setResetPasswordToken |
BasePasswordPolicy | setTrustAgentConfiguration |
BluetoothPolicy | setBluetoothLogEnabled |
BrowserPolicy | addWebBookmarkBitmap |
BrowserPolicy | addWebBookmarkByteBuffer |
BrowserPolicy | clearHttpProxy |
BrowserPolicy | deleteWebBookmark |
BrowserPolicy | getAutoFillSetting |
BrowserPolicy | getCookiesSetting |
BrowserPolicy | getForceFraudWarningSetting |
BrowserPolicy | getHttpProxy |
BrowserPolicy | getJavaScriptSetting |
BrowserPolicy | getPopupsSetting |
BrowserPolicy | setAutoFillSetting |
BrowserPolicy | setCookiesSetting |
BrowserPolicy | setForceFraudWarningSetting |
BrowserPolicy | setHttpProxy |
BrowserPolicy | setJavaScriptSetting |
BrowserPolicy | setPopupsSetting |
EnterpriseDeviceManager | setAdminRemovable |
EnterpriseDeviceManager | setAdminRemovable |
Firewall | enableDomainFilterReport |
Firewall | getDomainFilterReport |
Firewall | isDomainFilterReportEnabled |
Geofencing | createGeofence |
Geofencing | destroyGeofence |
Geofencing | getGeofences |
Geofencing | getMinDistanceParameter |
Geofencing | getMinTimeParameter |
Geofencing | isDeviceInsideGeofence |
Geofencing | isGeofencingEnabled |
Geofencing | setMinDistanceParameter |
Geofencing | setMinTimeParameter |
Geofencing | startGeofencing |
Geofencing | stopGeofencing |
GlobalProxy | setGlobalProxy |
MultiUserManager | allowUserCreation |
MultiUserManager | allowUserRemoval |
MultiUserManager | getUsers |
MultiUserManager | isUserCreationAllowed |
MultiUserManager | isUserRemovalAllowed |
RestrictionPolicy | allowClipboardShare |
RestrictionPolicy | allowFactoryReset |
RestrictionPolicy | allowGoogleAccountsAutoSync |
RestrictionPolicy | setBackup |
RestrictionPolicy | setClipboardEnabled |
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