Security exceptions occur when attempting to install apps
- Knox SDK
- Knox Platform for Enterprise (KPE)
On a Knox Workspace-enabled device, security exceptions are thrown when a UEM agent in the Workspace attempts to install apps on the personal side of the device.
The log sample below shows one of the exceptions:
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: get/set setting for user asks to run as user 0 but is calling from user 13; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProvider$
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTransact(
09-05 10:35:59.240 1000 4855 19709 E DatabaseUtils: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
09-05 10:35:59.241 1310013 5455 5611 D EmergencyMode: [EmergencyManager] getIntForUser failed e java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: get/set setting for user asks to run as user 0 but is calling from user 13; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
A second exception occurs when calling addPackageToApprovedInstallerWhitelist()
09-05 10:36:40.077 1000 4855 4883 D ApplicationPolicy: isApplicationInstalled : pkgName = in user 13 - true
09-05 10:36:40.078 1000 4855 4883 I ApplicationPolicy: addPackageToApprovedInstallerWhiteList
09-05 10:36:40.078 1000 4855 4883 D ApplicationPolicy: addPackageToList: Enforcing DOPO permission 10200, 13
09-05 10:36:40.085 1000 4216 4216 W keymaster2_mdfpp: entered get_key_characteristics function.
09-05 10:36:40.086 10200 4131 4131 W System.err: java.lang.SecurityException: caller is not DO or PO or KPU: 10200
From the above logs, the method asks to run as User 0 (personal side), but calls from User 13 (Workspace). The exceptions that follow are occurring because the app, installed in the UEM agent in the Workspace, is interacting with data on the device’s personal side without the correct permissions.
The UEM agent requires the android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL
permission to install apps across profiles to the personal space.
With the Knox SDK, you can use the TYPE_APPROVED_APP_INSTALLER
constant to grant your app the android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission
and add it as an approved package installer. This constant can only be used in the profile where the client administrator is installed.
You must have a KPE Premium license to use TYPE_APPROVED_APP_INSTALLER.
Additional information
, see the Knox SDK developer documentation.
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