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How to restrict users from accessing and sharing device data


  • Knox Platform for Enterprise
  • Knox SDK


This article details the API methods in Knox Platform for Enterprise that can restrict a user from sharing various kinds of device data and protocols.

How to restrict users from accessing and sharing device data

To limit users from sharing device data, you can disable certain device settings:

Data or protocol API method Description
Bluetooth RestrictionPolicy.allowBluetooth(false) Force disables Bluetooth on the device.
NFC NfcPolicy.allowNFCStateChange(false) Prevents the device user from toggling NFC.
NfcPolicy.startNFC(false) Disables NFC adapter.
USB data connectivity RestrictionPolicy.setUsbMediaPlayerAvailability(false) Disables media transfer protocol (MTP).
RestrictionPolicy.setUsbDebuggingEnabled(false) Disables USB data transfer.
RestrictionPolicy.setUsbTethering(false) Prevents the device from sharing its carrier data connection with other devices through USB.
RestrictionPolicy.allowUsbHostStorage(false) Disables storage hosting through USB On-The-Go (OTG).
Screen capture RestrictionPolicy.setScreenCapture(false) Prevents the device user from taking screenshots of the device screen.
Outgoing SMS phoneRestrictionPolicy.allowOutgoingSms(false) Disables outgoing Short Message Service (SMS) text messages.
Outgoing MMS phoneRestrictionPolicy.allowOutgoingMms(false) Disables outgoing Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages.
Share Via List RestrictionPolicy.allowShareList(false) Disable the Share Via List, which allows the device user to share data between apps.
Google Play Store app ApplicationPolicy.setDisableApplication("") Disables the Google Play Store app.

Additional information

For more information about Knox Platform for Enterprise, refer to the admin guide.

To learn more about the Knox SDK, please refer to the Knox SDK API reference.

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