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Error codes

Last updated June 26th, 2024

The Knox MSP Portal API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. A 2XX response code indicates success, a 4XX response code indicates a client-side error due to the request inputs, and a 5XX response code indicates a server-side error. There are also custom error codes specific to the Knox MSP Portal API listed below.

Error object

Each error response contains a JSON body with additional information about the error. The error objects contain the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
transactionalId String A string used to identify the exact transaction that returned the error object.
code String The name of the error code.
errorCode String The error code number. If it’s unique to the Knox MSP Portal, it’s a more specific indicator of the error than the HTTP response code.
errorMessage String A description of the error, intended to help developers debug the error response.

Following is an example 403 response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Unauthorized

Content-Type: application/json

    "transactionalId": "6m789un9-982d-12u6-7899-n9wre821m26m",
    "errorCode": "4030000",
    "errorMessage": "The current user is unauthorized to use this service."

Standard HTTP error codes

The following table lists the most common HTTP error responses:

Code Name Description
200 Success The request was successfully received.
400 Bad Request The client has issued an invalid request. Verify your request (for instance, check validation errors in your request payload).
401 Unauthorized Authorization for the API is required, but the request has not been authenticated.
403 Forbidden The request has been authenticated but does not have the appropriate permissions, or the requested resource cannot be found.
404 Not Found The requested path or the specified user does not exist.
409 Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
500 Server Error An error has occurred on the server. Please try again later.

Knox MSP Portal error codes

The Knox MSP Portal API uses custom error codes which provide more information than the standard HTTP error response codes. The following table lists the Knox MSP Portal API error codes and their descriptions:

Code Name Description
5000000 FAILURE Internal Server Error.
4030000 AUTHORIZATION_FAIL The current user is unauthorized to use this service.
4002108 INVALID_COUNTRY Unsupported country.
4002100 ADD_EC_CUSTOMER_INVALID This customer doesn’t exist or the ID isn’t a valid customer ID.
4002101 ADD_EC_CUSTOMER_NOT_APPROVED This customer is currently either pending approval or has been rejected by the Samsung administrator.
4002102 ADD_EC_DELINK_PENDING This customer is currently in the process of being delinked from an MSP and cannot be added until this process is complete.
4002103 ADD_EC_ALREADY_MANAGED This customer is already managed by someone else.
4002104 ADD_EC_PENDING_CANNOT_ADD_AGAIN This customer is ‘Pending’ and cannot be added again.
4002105 ADD_EC_NOT_SAME_REGION This customer is not available in your region.
4042100 CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND This customer doesn’t exist.
4002113 CUSTOMER_NOT_MANAGED_BY_MSP Customer not managed by the current MSP.
4002106 EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USAGE Knox cloud services account already exists for this user. Please contact the customer or Samsung administrator.
4002109 SERVICE_NOT_VALID_SCP The Knox MSP Portal API does not support Samsung Care Plus.
4002112 CANNOT_DELINK_FULLY_MANAGED Cannot delink a fully managed customer.
4002115 CUSTOMER_PENDING_CANNOT_DELINK Customer is in pending state, cannot be delinked.
4002111 KM_TENANT_PREFIX_INVALID Prefix can’t begin or end with a period.
4002110 KM_DOMAIN_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Prefix is required because the domain name already exists.
4002114 BLOCKED_DOMAIN_FOR_JOINTLY_MANAGED This email domain is not allowed for jointly managed customers.
4002116 CANNOT_CHANGE_WHEN_DELINKING Customer cannot be changed while delink request is pending.
4002117 CANNOT_UPDATE_FROM_JOINTLY_TO_FULLY Can’t update from jointly managed to fully managed.
4002118 SERVICE_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT Service not associated with this customer’s account.
4002119 CANNOT_CHANGE_WHEN_PENDING Customer can’t be changed while in pending to link status.
4002120 ACCESS_TYPE_REQUIRED Access type param is required when adding new services.
4002121 KM_DOMAIN_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USAGE The organization domain is already in use. Please add a prefix to uniquely identify your organization or to manage multiple Knox Manage administrator accounts under the same organization.
4002124 MSP_CANNOT_MANAGE_KG This MSP doesn’t manage Knox Guard, please remove Knox Guard from the managed services list.


If your request returns a 400 level error

Find the specific error code in the table above and refer to the error message for details.

If your request returns a 500 level error

Please try the request again at a later time.

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