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Knox OAuth 2.0 Authentication 24.06 release notes

Last updated June 26th, 2024

Self-service for client ID and secret generation

To reduce hand-holding and improve ease of use, you can now generate client IDs and client secrets for the apps which you want to integrate with Knox cloud service APIs. Available in Cloud Apps on the Knox Developer Portal, you can also manage your apps from this menu. For more information, see Register new app.

This functionality is also available in the Knox OAuth 2.0 Authentication API v1 using client management operations.

Enhancements to client management operations

  • The PATCH oauth2/clients/{clientId} operation is available to modify the information of a registered client app.

  • The DELETE /oauth2/clients/{clientId} operation is available to remove client apps, registered with your enterprise, from the Knox authorization server. This operation revokes all associated tokens issued to the client, ensuring that the deleted client can no longer access resources on behalf of resource owners.

  • The PUT /oauth2/clients/{clientId}/expirationTimes operation is available to manage the expiration times of the authorization code, access token, and refresh tokens associated with a registered client app.

  • You can use the search query parameter in the GET /oauth2/clients operation to search for specific registered client apps. You can search using an exact match of the client ID, a partial match of app name, or the full value of creator’s email.

  • When you register a new client app with the Knox authorization server, you can use the description parameter in the request body of the POST /oauth2/clients operation to provide a brief summary about the app. You can also retrieve the description associated with a registered client app by specifying its client ID in the GET /oauth2/clients/{clientId} operation.

  • You can configure and retrieve the expiration times of the authorization code, access token, and refresh token.

    • To configure the expiration times when you register a new client app with the Knox authorization server, use the expirationTimes parameter of type object in the request body of the POST /oauth2/clients operation.

    • To retrieve details about the expiration times of OAuth 2.0 tokens associated with a registered client app, specify its client ID in the GET /oauth2/clients/{clientId} operation.

  • You can configure the information shown to a user on the consent screen, when registering a client app with the Knox authorization server. You can also retrieve information about a registered client app.

    • To configure the app information shown to users on the consent screen, use the consentMetadata parameter of type object in the request body of the POST /oauth2/clients operation.

    • To retrieve an enterprise’s information associated with the registered client app, specify its client ID in the GET /oauth2/clients/{clientId} operation.

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