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Knox Partner Program 23.03 release notes

Last updated March 24th, 2023

Update to supported Android versions

In accordance with our updated Android support plan, the minimum supported version for Android devices registered in Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Manage, Knox E-FOTA, Knox Configure, and Knox Deployment app have each rolled forward. To review the minimum version on a product-by-product basis, see Policy update on Knox supported versions.

Reorganization of navigation pane

The Knox Partner Portal navigation pane is reorganized and improved. Existing features are arranged in functional groupings, and new groupings are introduced, such as Sales and Technical.

MSP partner tier information on dashboard

The Knox Partner Portal dashboard now displays the current tier information of MSP partners, including the requirements and benefits of each MSP tier.

Knox Partner Program dashboard showing MSP tiers.

KPE Premium licenses generation on Knox Developer Portal

Previously, the Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium license, also known as a Commercial license, was generated from the Knox Portal (, and the Knox Platform for Enterprise Standard license was generated from the Knox Developer Portal ( Both licenses can now be generated from the Knox Developer Portal. See Get a license in the Knox developer documentation to learn how to get a Commercial license.

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