Deactivate devices
Last updated March 24th, 2023
If devices have been factory reset, you may notice a discrepancy between your license activation count and the number of enrolled devices in your UEM console. In this case, you can deactivate certain devices from your Knox Platform for Enterprise license key to match the number of enrolled devices.
You can deactivate devices by providing the IMEIs or serial numbers of either the devices you want to keep (deactivating all other devices), or the devices you want to remove (keeping all other devices).
You can provide those IMEIs or serial numbers by uploading a CSV file (comma-separated values), or by entering the numbers directly in the tool. The following steps describe both options.
On the Knox Partner Portal, go to Tools > Device Deactivation.
Enter a paid Knox license key to access the deactivation tool.
Under License Key, enter the Knox license key associated with the devices you want to deactivate.
Choose whether you want to remove or keep the devices that you’re providing IMEIs or serial numbers for.
Be sure to select the correct option.
If you select keep, then all device IMEIs or serial numbers not included in the provided list are deactivated, and those devices’ users are locked out of their work profiles.
If you select remove, then only the device IMEIs or serial numbers that are included in the provided list are deactivated.
Provide the device IMEIs or serial numbers in one of two ways:
Upload a CSV file that contains a list of your device IMEIs or serial numbers. If you’re creating a new CSV file, click Download to download a CSV file template, and then enter your device IMEIs or serial numbers following the format used in the template.
Or, under IMEI/Serial numbers, enter a list of comma-separated device IMEIs or serial numbers.
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