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Use the dashboard

Last updated June 26th, 2024

The MSP Portal Dashboard provides quick access to the active licenses, support tickets, and portal notifications for your managed customers.

Notifications and side-bar on the MSP dashboard

Get started banner

Get started banner on msp dashboard

To help new MSP admins navigate the Knox MSP Portal, a new Get started banner appears at the top of the dashboard after signing in. This banner provides a quick tutorial on using the portal, as well as links to helpful articles, the FAQ, and knowledge base articles (KBAs).

If you are a returning user who’s already familiar with the portal, you can close this banner by clicking X in the top right corner. To bring the banner back to the dashboard, click the Help icon near the top right corner of the screen, then under Resources click Get started.

Active licenses

In the Active licenses tile, you can see how many active Knox licenses you have as well as sort licenses by their end date or number of remaining seats. Depending on the view you’ve selected, the panel shows either the five licenses with the soonest end date or the lowest seat count. You can only view up to five licenses at a time.

Click a license’s name to view it on the Licenses page.

You can also open the Licenses page by clicking View more licenses or by clicking > in the top right corner of the panel.

For more details on licenses, see License management.

Open support tickets

In the Open support tickets tile, you can view your open support tickets as well as their status.

Click View more support tickets or > in the top right corner of the panel to open the support ticket page on the Knox Partner Portal in a new tab.

Customer portal notifications

In the Customer portal notifications tile, you can view notifications from your managed customers.

Use the menu in the top right corner to view notifications for All customers or select a customer to view only their notifications. A timestamp of the last notification updates displays directly to the right.

Each notification features a title, the customer name, and a detailed description of the listed event including the number of devices impacted by the event notification and a projection of the event’s duration.

Click Load more to view older notifications. Event notifications are displayed and reloaded historically, with the most recent displaying first.

Knox Highlights

In the Knox highlights panel, you’ll see featured content like the latest release notes, featured videos, and links to helpful resources for MSP administrators.

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