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Manage customers

Last updated June 26th, 2024

customer list

Click a rejected or pending customer name to view their application details in a pop-up. In the rejected customer pop-up, you can see your rejection by the listed customer for MSP device management. Additional guidance is provided to contact the customer as needed. In the pending customer pop-up, you can resend emails prompting the customer to grant permission.

Add a new customer

New customer accounts can be added to the MSP portal as needed from the Customers screen. These are customers who do not have a Knox account to use with an existing Knox cloud service.

To add a new customer account to the Knox MSP Portal:

  1. Select Customers from the left navigation panel.

  2. Click ADD CUSTOMER.

    add customer

  3. Provide the following CUSTOMER INFORMATION:

    Property Description
    Company name Provide the name of the prospective customer’s representative company.
    Company size (number of employees)** - Use the drop-down menu to set the number of employees represented by this prospective MSP customer as either 0-19, 20-99, 100-249, 250-499, 500-999, or 1000+.
    Industry Select those industries supported by this prospective MSP customer.
    Country Select the country where the requesting MSP customer is based.
    Company Address 1 Provide the requesting customer’s mailing address.
    Company Address 2 Optionally provide an additional address for the prospective company.
    City Provide the city of the MSP requesting company.
    State Provide the state of the MSP’s requesting customer.
    ZIP Code Provide the zip code of the prospective company.
    Company website Optionally provide the website of the prospective MSP customer.
  4. Provide the following CONTACT PERSON information for the contact resource supporting the requesting company:

    Contact person

    Field Task
    First name Enter the first name of the contact resource supporting the MSP's requesting company.
    Last name Enter the last name of the contact resource supporting the MSP's requesting company.
    Work email

    Provide the business email of the contact resource supporting the MSP's requesting company.

    If a non-work email domain is entered (for example, Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo), then this customer can't be set as a jointly managed customer, or they will be delinked in the future.

    Phone Provide the business phone number of the contact resource supporting the MSP's requesting company.
    Job title Optionally enter the job title of the contact resource supporting the MSP's requesting company.
    Customer access permissions

    Review the access permission options granted to the MSP's requesting customer for their devices and data within their Knox services. Options include either Jointly managed customer or Fully managed customer. A managed customer's super admin is informed of their access permission when the MSP requests the customer's consent for service management. Only one access permission is applied to all managed services for the customer.

    The customer types are:

    • Fully managed customer. The customer is not granted access to any of their Knox solution portals. Only the Managed Service Provider will have the access. A customer does not need to create an account in order to be added as a fully managed customer, and once they're added as a fully managed customer they can no longer create a Samsung Knox account. This customer can be changed to a jointly managed customer, as explained in Edit customer account details.
    • Jointly managed customer. The customer, just like the MSP admin, has full access to the Knox service portals and can manage the devices jointly with the Managed Service Provider. When you select this option, the customer gets an email notification and has to create a Samsung Knox account which they can do using the link in the same email. After creating the Samsung Knox account, they can access the Knox solution portal by signing in to the dashboard.

    A jointly managed customer can't be changed to a fully managed customer.

  5. Assign Knox services to the customer account. Service options are Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Manage, Knox E-FOTA, Knox Asset Intelligence, Knox Configure, Knox Guard, and Samsung Care+ for Business. If necessary, the MSP admin can manage a customer in multiple Knox solutions at the same time.

    The MSP can migrate an existing Knox Mobile Enrollment customer under its management, and the MSP can manage Knox Mobile Enrollment functions (assign and update Knox Mobile Enrollment profile, and so on) on behalf of the customer within the Knox Mobile Enrollment console. For more information on Knox Mobile Enrollment, see Knox Mobile Enrollment on

  6. When the required content has been provided and checked for accuracy, select ADD CUSTOMER to proceed with the MSP customer addition.

    As an MSP, you can’t be a device group manager for Knox Asset Intelligence. This means that when email alerts are sent to all admins, you will receive email alerts for the whole company. However, when email alerts are sent only to device group managers, you won’t receive the alerts unless your MSP email has been explicitly listed as an additional recipient. For details, see Integrate with a managed service provider in the Knox Asset Intelligence documentation.

Add an existing customer

You can onboard existing Knox Configure, Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Manage, Samsung Care+ for Business, Knox Asset Intelligence, and Knox E-FOTA customers.

  1. Select ADD CUSTOMER.

  2. Add the existing Customer’s ID in the Add an existing Samsung Knox customer dialog on the right and select LOOK UP.

  3. Select REQUEST TO ADD.

  4. Choose the Customer management type and which Knox cloud services you will manage for this customer.

    Add existing customer services

  5. An email is sent to the customer’s super admin informing the admin the MSP will be managing devices on the customer’s behalf (once they accept the invitation), and the super admin can no longer access the customer’s account.

  6. The customer must sign in to the console, select the link, and allow the MSP for managing their devices. The MSP provides any additional KCS information directly to the customer.

  7. Knox Configure, Knox Mobile Enrollment, Knox Manage, Samsung Care+ for Business, Knox Asset Intelligence, or E-FOTA features and functionality become active within MSP View once the customer approves the MSP.

After an existing customer is moved to the Knox MSP portal for MSP management as a fully managed customer, then the customer loses access to the Knox Configure and Knox Mobile Enrollment consoles.

If the customer you add didn’t complete the Complete Knox Manage registration step when they signed up, then you can create a Knox Manage tenant for them when migrating them. Knox Manage tenant IDs include a prefix and a domain name, where the domain name is taken from an email address. A prefix is not mandatory for a Knox Manage tenant ID, as long as its domain name is unique among existing IDs. Prefixes are alphanumeric and can use periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_) as separators.

As an MSP, you can’t be a device group manager for Knox Asset Intelligence. This means that when email alerts are sent to all admins, you will receive email alerts for the whole company. However, when email alerts are sent only to device group managers, you won’t receive the alerts unless your MSP email has been explicitly listed as an additional recipient. For details, see Integrate with a managed service provider in the Knox Asset Intelligence documentation.

View customer details

You can view an existing customer’s details by clicking their name in the Customers table.

Under Services, you can see each service that you’re managing for the customer, the service status, and the number of devices that require attention.

Contact person

Click a service name to launch the service’s console from the MSP portal. When you’re finished with using the service, click the Return to MSP Portal link. This will take you back to the page you were previously viewing in the MSP portal.

Contact person

Edit customer account details

To edit customer details such as their company information (like company name and address), the contact person’s name and email address, the customer access type, or to add a new Knox service, follow these steps:

For a fully managed customer, you can only change the contact person’s first name, last name, and email address. For a jointly managed customer, only they can change this information.

You cannot change the customer account details while the customer is in a Delink requested state.

  1. Select Customers from the left hand navigation in your MSP portal.
  2. Click the checkbox before the customer name.
  3. Click Manage customer account from the ACTIONS dropdown in the top right.
  4. On the MANAGE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT screen, you can change the customer’s company details, upgrade a fully managed customer to jointly managed customer and — in case of fully managed customers — change their contact person’s first name, last name, and email address.

Once a managed service has been added to a customer’s account, it can’t be removed.

If you want to remove a managed service from a customer’s account, you can either delink the customer and add them again or submit a support ticket.

If you want to stop managing a customer account, you can initiate a Delink request from the MSP Portal.

You can only delink jointly-managed customers. To change a customer’s type, see Edit customer account details.

For the request to complete, the end customer must also agree to the request. Until they accept the delink request, the MSP continues to manage the account on their behalf. The MSP can resend the request if the customer doesn’t take action.

To initiate the request, sign in to your MSP portal and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Customers tab.

  2. Check the customer account that you want to delink.

  3. From Actions, click Manage customer account.

  4. In the Manage Customer Account window, click DELINK.

  5. In the pop-up window, read the message and click CONFIRM if this is the behavior you want.

When a Delink request is initiated by the MSP, the customer status changes from Active to Delink request by MSP, and the customer gets a delink request email. For jointly-managed customers, this is the email of super-admin.

  • If the customer ignores the email, then you’ll continue to manage the customer’s services as usual. You can remind the customer to approve the Delink request by clicking the customer’s name once again. In the side panel, click MANAGE ACCOUNT, then on the next page, click RESEND EMAIL.

  • If the customer rejects the Delink request, then the MSP is informed and the status changes back to Active.

  • If the customer accepts the Delink request, an email is sent to both parties. The MSP can no longer access the customer’s services, and the customer’s super-admin gets full access. Any sub-admins keep their existing roles, and all licenses purchased by the MSP on behalf of the customer can continue to be used by the delinked customer.

Managed customers who have super admin access can also trigger delink requests from their Knox Admin Portal. Once a delink is requested, you’ll receive a notification to accept or reject the request from the customer.

Customer table

Customer information, such as Customer ID and Management type, can be viewed in the customer table.

customer list

You can customize the columns displayed in the customer table through the CUSTOMIZE TABLE menu. To access the CUSTOMIZE TABLE menu, click customize table at the top-right corner of the table.

Customize customer table

Columns relating to customer Name, Service/Status, Customer ID, Management type, Total devices, and date Modified are displayed by default. Optionally, to view the date when a customer’s Knox cloud services account was created, select Created .

You can also generate a CSV file report for customer information by clicking DOWNLOAD CUSTOMER INFORMATION AS CSV.

Customer CSV file

The customer CSV file provides detailed information on:

Data Description
Company Name The name of the customer’s company.
Active services Whether the Knox cloud services is active for the customer, including KNOX MOBILE ENROLLMENT, KNOX MANAGE, KNOX E-FOTA, KNOX CONFIGURE, KNOX GUARD, KNOX ASSET INTELLIGENCE, and Samsung Care+ for Business.
CUSTOMER ID The unique identifier of the customer.
MANAGEMENT TYPE The customer’s management type, either Fully or Jointly managed.
TOTAL DEVICES (EXCLUDING KNOX MANAGE DEVICES) The total number of devices linked to the customer, excluding the number of devices enrolled in Knox Manage.
TOTAL DEVICES (KNOX MANAGE) The total number of devices enrolled in the customer’s Knox Manage tenant. If the customer is not using Knox Manage, you’ll see a dash (-). If customer is using Knox Manage but no devices are enrolled, you’ll see number 0.
CREATED The date when the customer’s Knox cloud services account was created.
MODIFIED The date when the customer’s account was last modified by the MSP admin.
MSP LINKED The date when the customer’s Knox cloud services account was linked by the MSP admin.

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