13 #ifndef __KNOX_CUSTOM_PROKIOSK_MANAGER_H__ 14 #define __KNOX_CUSTOM_PROKIOSK_MANAGER_H__ 16 #include "knox_custom_client_type.h"
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_prokiosk_state(knox_custom_prokiosk_state_t new_state, const char *passcode)
API to enable or disable ProKiosk mode with a passcode.
Enumerate ProKiosk notification types.
knox_custom_data_t * knox_custom_get_home_activity(void)
API to get the package name that is set for home activity.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_prokiosk_exit_menu(knox_custom_prokiosk_exit_menu_state_t state)
API to hide the ProKiosk exit menu in device options.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_home_activity(const char *appid, const char *clockpackagename)
API to set a specific application as the launcher application in home activity.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_prokiosk_passcode(const char *old_passcode, const char *new_passcode)
API to modify the ProKiosk passcode.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_settings_enabled_items(knox_custom_settings_show_state_t state, knox_custom_prokiosk_settings_items_t items)
API to enable/disable UI items in the settings menu for end user access.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_hide_notification_messages(knox_custom_hide_notifications_state_t state, knox_custom_notification_items_t hide_item)
API to set the status of the notifications and the moment bar to display or hide. ...
This structure is used to store GList.
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_exit_ui(const char *appid)
API to set the application for exiting the ProKiosk mode through UI.
Enumerate ProKiosk settings items type, below Enum values provide bit value related to specific setti...
knox_result_t knox_custom_set_prokiosk_string(const char *prokiosk_string)
API to customize the strings displayed when exiting ProKiosk mode.
knox_result_t knox_custom_get_hide_notification_messages(int *hidden_items)
API to get the status of the notifications and the moment bar.
Enumerate hide or show the given notification elements.
Enumerate ProKiosk state type.
knox_result_t knox_custom_get_settings_enabled_items(int *enabled_items)
API to retrieve UI items enabled in the settings menu for user access.
Enumerate enable or disable the given settings items.
knox_result_t knox_custom_get_prokiosk_exit_menu(knox_custom_prokiosk_exit_menu_state_t *state)
API to get the status of ProKiosk exit menu visibility in device options.
Enumerate show or hide the prokiosk menu in device options.
knox_result_t knox_custom_get_prokiosk_state(knox_custom_prokiosk_state_t *state)
API to check if the state of ProKiosk mode is enabled or disabled.
knox_custom_data_t * knox_custom_get_exit_ui(void)
API to get the package name for exiting the ProKiosk mode through UI.
knox_custom_data_t * knox_custom_get_prokiosk_string(void)
API to get the display string set for exiting the ProKiosk mode.