19 #ifndef LIBMDM_MDM_DATE_TIME_H 20 #define LIBMDM_MDM_DATE_TIME_H 24 #include "mdm_client_type.h" 570 #endif // LIBMDM_MDM_DATE_TIME_H mdm_result_t mdm_set_time_zone(const char *p_timezoneid)
API to set the device TimeZone.
mdm_status_t mdm_is_date_time_change_enabled(void)
API to check whether the user can change the date and time.
mdm_result_t mdm_get_daylight_saving_time(int *p_value)
API to get the daylight saving time state.
mdm_data_t * mdm_get_time_format(void)
API to get the device time.
mdm_data_t * mdm_get_date_format(void)
API to get the date format.
This structure is used to store GList.
mdm_data_t * mdm_get_date_time(void)
API to get the date and time.
mdm_data_t * mdm_get_time_zone(void)
API to get the device time zone as a valid ID.
MDM Policy status.
mdm_result_t mdm_set_date_time(int day, int month, int year, int hour, int minute, int second)
API to set the device date and time.
mdm_result_t mdm_get_automatic_time(int *p_value)
API to get whether automatic time updates using Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ) is enabled...
mdm_result_t mdm_set_date_format(const char *p_format)
API to set the device date format.
MDM API result.
mdm_result_t mdm_set_automatic_time(int enabled)
API to set whether to use automatic time updates using Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ)...
mdm_result_t mdm_set_time_format(const char *p_format)
API to set the device time format.
mdm_result_t mdm_set_date_time_change_enabled(bool enabled)
API to set whether the user can change the date and time.