public class


extends Object
implements Parcelable

Class Overview

This class provides payment information used for the showConfirmView API.


Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
Public Constructors
MPOSPayInfo(String cardNumber, String expDate, String nonce, String timeStamp, double amount, int currencyCode, String algorithm)
Provide payment information.
Public Methods
String getAlgorithm()
API to get the encryption algorithm.
double getAmount()
API to get the payment amount.
String getCardNumber()
API to get the card number.
int getCurrencyCode()
API to get the currency code.
String getExpirationDate()
API to get the expiry date.
String getNonce()
API to get nonce.
String getTimeStamp()
API to get timestamp.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable

Public Constructors

public MPOSPayInfo (String cardNumber, String expDate, String nonce, String timeStamp, double amount, int currencyCode, String algorithm)

Provide payment information.

cardNumber card number for payment. can be null when algorithm is MPOS_AES128 or MPOS_RSA.
expDate card expire data. can be null when algorithm is MPOS_AES128, MPOS_RSA, or MPOS_ISO4.
nonce nonce is required for MPOS_SHA_384. Format is 32 Bytes length Alphanumeric String.
timeStamp timestamp for payment. can be null when algorithm is MPOS_AES128, MPOS_RSA, or MPOS_ISO4.
amount the amount of payment. value <= 0 is not allowed except MPOS_AES128, MPOS_RSA, or MPOS_ISO4.
currencyCode the current code payment. value <= 0 is not allowed except MPOS_AES128, MPOS_RSA, or MPOS_ISO4.
algorithm encrypt algorithm for TUI. available value is one of
MPOS_ISO4 and MPOSConstants#MPOS_EP2.

Public Methods

public String getAlgorithm ()

API to get the encryption algorithm.

  • algorithm in MPOSPayInfo

public double getAmount ()

API to get the payment amount.

  • amount in MPOSPayInfo

public String getCardNumber ()

API to get the card number.

  • cardNumber in MPOSPayInfo

public int getCurrencyCode ()

API to get the currency code.

  • currencyCode in MPOSPayInfo

public String getExpirationDate ()

API to get the expiry date.

  • expire date in MPOSPayInfo

public String getNonce ()

API to get nonce.

  • nonce in MPOSPayInfo

public String getTimeStamp ()

API to get timestamp.

  • timeStamp in MPOSPayInfo