
class Builder

This is the Builder pattern to help construct the preview configuration


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fun Builder()
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fun Builder(previewConfig: PreviewConfig)

This constructor allows to create builder from existing PreviewConfig object


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Generate the PreviewConfig from the builder

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This API helps define the dimension and context info for the camera/preview. Default scan area is a full Size(100,100).

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This would setup the camera resolution for the analyzer. Be aware that the camera module may not support exactly the same resolution, but set a best match

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fun setLogoPosition(logoAnchor: SDKConstants.LogoAnchor, logoOffsetX: Int, logoOffsetY: Int): PreviewConfig.Builder

this API positions the logo using the LogoAnchor and the offset.

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set which camera it is using

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fun setSymbology(symbology: List<String>): PreviewConfig.Builder

Updates list of supported barcode types for preview scanner. Barcode types included in the list String will be supported and any of non-listed barcode types will not be returned in scan result.But whatever not in the EngineConstants will not be recognized.

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This API updates list of a barcode Setting

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Set zoom by ratio. If the ratio is smaller than minimum zoom ratio or larger than maximum available zoom ratio, the ratio will be revised to the available range.