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Knox Service Plugin 23.09 release notes

Last updated November 8th, 2023

App version Release date
1.4.24 September 8th, 2023

Mandatory fields for Wi-Fi Enterprise Configuration policy

The Android project has updated the requirements of Wi-Fi Enterprise configurations. For Android 14 and higher, the CA certificate alias and domain name are now required fields in the configuration, whereas previously they could be left unset.

For Knox Service Plugin, this underlying system change affects the Wi-Fi Enterprise Configuration policy, which is a member of a Wi-Fi Configuration. The corresponding fields that are affected are CA Certificate for the CA certificate alias, and Domain Name. If you apply the Wi-Fi Enterprise Configuration policy in your fleet deployment, the Knox Service Plugin team urges you to update your Knox Service Plugin profile or payload. If these fields are unset, the policy will no longer take effect.

See the description of Wi-Fi Configuration in the Knox Service Plugin policy schema for all of its component policies and fields.

General availability of the Data Roaming Policy

In Knox Service Plugin 23.06, the Data Roaming Policy previously underwent a limited release for certain on-premises solutions.

As of 23.09, it’s now available for all EMMs and cloud solutions.

For the Turn on data roaming policy to take effect, the Allow data roaming policy must be enabled.

See its description in the Knox Service Plugin policy schema for configuration details.

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