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Notifications temporarily displayed after visibility restrictions applied

Last updated November 30th, 2023



  • Knox Service Plugin
  • Android Enterprise
  • Company-owned device with a work profile
  • EMMs


Even when blocking notifications on company-owned devices with a work profile, the contents of notifications may be temporarily visible to device users in some cases.


This is expected behavior when you attempt to block notifications with your EMM.


Using Knox Service Plugin, you can prevent this behavior by disabling all notifications with the Notifications blocklist policy:

  1. On your EMM console, edit the profile that manages the affected devices.

  2. Modify the following Device-wide policies of Knox Service Plugin:

    Policy Value
    Enable device policy controls True
    Application management policies > Enable application management controls True
    Application management policies > Notifications blocklist .*
  3. Save the profile and push it to the affected devices.

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